37. The breakfast club

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'Whatever you're doing, you need to stop.' Mila corners me after first period before I can hide in the recording studio.

'I don't know what you mean.' I clutch my books and quicken my pace, but she grabs my arm and it's clear she's not about to let me escape.

She gives me a hard look, and it takes all my willpower not to squirm. 'Don't even.'

I give her my best fake WTF? expression, offence being the best defence. She doesn't even blink.

'Why are you dating Dan?'

I throw a hand up in exasperation. 'We went to a movie! We've gone to movies before, you know.'

'Was it a date or not?'

I can't help it: I squirm. 'Not exactly...'

Mila's eyes widen almost comically. 'Are you serious?'

'It was just one date,' I say defensively, hoping she'll get the hint and leave me alone. Instead, she follows me all the way to the cafeteria and looks at me with judgy eyes as I take out my morning snack. When I can't bear it anymore, I offer her a Pringle as a sign of peace.

She plucks it out of my hand and pops it into her mouth. 'Don't think you can bribe me with snacks.'

I sigh, knowing that would have been too easy. 'Fine. I said yes to one date.' I raise a finger for emphasis. 'One!'

'Why?' She's in full protective aunt mode, and I realise it was a mistake to let this issue fester for so long without letting my friends dissect it. Now I have to bear the brunt of her ire, not just for what I'm doing, but for deliberately keeping her in the dark.

'He asked?' I make a face at her. I don't have a good reason, and she knows it.

'You should know' -- her tone is casual, but I can tell from her face that she's about to say something important, so I force my expression to be neutral -- 'he still calls Renie.'

'Everyday?' I forget about being neutral, and when Mina just shrugs, I get a sick feeling in my stomach. 'That's okay. I mean, he's not my boyfriend or anything.'

Mila smirks. 'Does he know that?'

'Nothing's happened between us.' I feel myself blushing. 'How do you know about the date, anyway?'

'I have my sources.'

'Since when did you and Alex Munroe become such great buddies?' It's an educated guess -- he was the only person we ran into at the mall, but the mall is a big place.

'We're not.' She lifts her chin -- a slight movement that I would have missed if I hadn't been watching her closely. 'I overheard a conversation this morning.'

The Pringles suddenly taste like cardboard. 'With whom?' The feeling of dread starts at the base of my spine, and by the time I swallow it has reached the back of my neck.

Mila shrugs. 'You know what the gossip is like in this school.'

'Oh, my god! She's alive!' I whip my head around at the sound of Renie's voice and immediately find my head smooshed in what I think is supposed to be an affectionate hug. 'Where have you been?!'

'Busy.' Even the way Mila eats the Pringles exudes sarcasm. 'Preparing for prom.'

Renie collapses on the seat beside me, munching on a muesli bar. 'I hate prom already.'

Mila rolls her eyes. 'As if.'

Renie kicks her under the table. 'Meaning?'

She waves her hand vaguely. 'I hear things.'

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