09. Ex with benefits

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It's a sign of how desperate my love life is that my friends forgo touch rugby spectatorship to corner me at lunch. We find a spot to sit outside where no one can overhear us, and they force me to explain what happened with Jonah. I give them the highlights, and by the end of it we're all squealing with excitement.

'I can't believe you said that to him!' Renie says, admiration in her voice.

'Neither can I!'

'Miss Popularity has claws!' Renie gives a mock roar while swiping her hand like a paw.

'It just came out!' I feel like all my sentences have been punctuated with exclamation marks since recess.

'I kind of wish I'd stayed to eavesdrop,' Mila says.

'You did good, my friend.' Renie gives her a fist bump like they engineered the whole thing.

When we finally stop acting like giddy teenagers, Renie stretches out her legs and leans back on her hands. 'By the way, I need your help with the invite list for my party.'

Renie's annual Christmas soiree has become a major social event for our grade. Because it's not sanctioned by the school -- and because it's chaperoned by Renie's two elder brothers rather than her parents -- everyone is just that little bit less inhibited. Every year guarantees a thrilling mix of hook-ups, break-ups and enough drama to keep the gossip mill running until the end of the school year. What this has to do with what happened between me and Jonah Sullivan I dread to find out.

'My dad is away from the fourth 'til the twenty-second. My brothers arrive first week of December. That means I can have a party as soon as school break starts.'

'That's the best time. No assessments and negotiable curfew.'

'I thought you didn't have a curfew?'

Mila shrugs. 'I meant everyone else.'

'I'll email you guys a list of people I'm planning to invite, and you can add anyone I missed.'

'I'm not inviting Jonah,' I remind them.

Renie gives me a sidelong look. I don't trust that look. 'Too bad this is my party and I think we could do with a few more seniors on the list.'

'Don't you dare, Renie!'

She doesn't bother replying and just gives me a sorry-not-sorry grin.

'If you're inviting Jonah, you should invite Alex and Benjie Cooper as well.'

'They're already on the list.' Mila starts to protest, but Renie cuts her off. 'I'm inviting the entire rugby team.'

'Why would you do that?' Mila hisses.

Renie just laughs. 'Uh, because they're the rugby team? Have you seen those guys?'

She has a point, but still.

'How are we supposed to have fun, Renie?' I know I'm whining, but I can't help myself. 'The whole night I'll be worried about embarrassing myself in front of him.'

'Sweetie.' Renie takes my hand and looks me straight in the eye. 'I know we've led you to believe otherwise, but the world does not revolve around you.'

I snatch my hand back and click my tongue in mock outrage. 'That's an outrageous lie! Take it back!'

'Maybe I'll bring a plus one,' Mina mentions oh, so casually. We stare at her in surprise.

'Who?!' Renie and I practically shriek.

She shrugs. 'I don't know yet, but I'm sure I can find someone. Maybe I'll ask one of the guys from Kamoteng Pusali.'

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