05. Legends of the fall

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I've decided that the easiest way to get through Renie's challenge is to get it over with as soon as possible, preferably without anyone noticing what I'm doing. So I don't tell my friends when I decide to try my luck with Jonah Sullivan again on Friday afternoon. I pretend that I need to go to the library before the lunch bell rings, but instead I hurry to film class, stopping a few feet away from the door.

I'm so early there's no one in the room yet. I lean against the wall, take out my phone, and pretend I'm busy texting my friends. We have a strict no-phone policy in class, so it's not unusual for people to loiter outside class with their phones until the teacher gets there. A few of my classmates arrive and I greet them with a distracted expression -- no acting needed, because I'm busy scanning the hall for Jonah without looking like a crazy stalker. So far, so good. I pray that Jonah arrives soon, because I'm starting to feel like a complete idiot and I can feel sweat forming on my temples, I'm so stressed.

I know the moment Jonah Sullivan rounds the corner and heads in my direction. I never used to believe that you can have a sixth sense about someone, that your body can sense their presence before your eyes confirm they're actually there, but Jonah has that effect on me, and again, it's like the world becomes muffled and all I can see and hear and feel is him. Like we're in some way connected.

I have to say, it can be really annoying. Especially when the entire thing seems so one-sided.

From the corner of my eye, I watch him approach, and it's like I'm in a high school teen movie, where the handsome hero swaggers to class in slow motion. When he's walking down the corridor, Jonah Sullivan makes wearing the school uniform -- white shirt, navy pants, senior tie -- seem like the hottest thing in the world. It's like the untucked corner of his shirt makes me itch to tuck it back in -- or maybe pull the rest of it out, I can't decide. It's not something I'd ever do in real life, so I enjoy the little PG-rated fantasy in my mind. It goes very well with my memory of Jonah's naked chest.

When he's only a few steps away, I push off from the wall and put my phone in my bag. I make sure my head is deliberately facing the other way when I start walking right in Jonah Sullivan's direction.

'Aack!' There's nothing elegant about my startled scream as I actually not-fake-trip over.


My books tumble out of my arms, most of them bouncing off Jonah's head before landing on the ground. In hindsight, it might have been better to ensure that my books would fall in the opposite direction to Jonah's face. But my plan didn't extend that far, and our collision is neither gentle nor romantic -- it hurts.

In my dazed state, I realise that Jonah was in the process of bending down for some reason when I ran into him, knocking him off-balance. He's sprawled on the floor, and I'm sort of half on top of him, my mouth perilously close to his chin. I look up, and I notice the honey-gold flecks in his eyes for less than a second before I pull back in horror.

'Nosebleed!' I squeak in shock, and scramble off Jonah's body, trying not to dwell on the fact that everywhere I touch is all muscle and warmth. This is really not the time for teen fantasies. 'I'm so sorry!'

I put one hand on the back of his neck and try to gently help him sit up, while reaching into my pocket for a clean hanky. My hands are shaking as I hand it to Jonah, who looks like he's still trying to figure out what just happened to him. A crazy female stalker? I don't say it out loud.

'I didn't see you and--and I think one of my books broke your nose!'

'Shit. What kind of encyclopedia do you carry around, woman?' One thing I do know about the Australian internationals -- they're not shy about dropping obscenities. He pulls away from me and touches his upper lip. One look at his fingertips confirms the presence of blood. But when he takes my hanky, I'm surprised to see a hint of amusement in his eyes. 'Relax. It's just blood. My nose isn't broken.'

My sigh of relief is dramatic and heartfelt. 'Oh, thank god.'

Any other person, and I would have moved closer to make sure he wasn't lying to me, but because it's Jonah, I stay where I am. I watch as he dabs away most of the blood and then applies pressure with the hanky to stop the bleeding. I'm on my knees, my possessions in disarray, and my crush is bleeding in front of me. This entire situation is so not going according to plan.

'You know, if you wanted to talk to me, you could have just said.'

'I--I didn't--' Oh, dear lord, let me be standing on a hellmouth and let it open right now.

'Less blood that way.' He smirks and I'm stunned to realise that Jonah Sullivan might actually be teasing me.

My eyes narrow. 'Are you--'

'Mr. Sullivan and Miss Agoncillo, is everything all right?' Ms. Fortunado looks at us from above her glasses as a handful of students hurry past so they can be seated before class officially starts.

'Uh, yes, Miss,' I stammer before Jonah can respond. 'Just a small accident.'

'I'm fine, Miss.' Jonah's voice is muffled by his hands, but he waves me away when I try to help him stand up. 'Just need to stop the bleeding.'

'Jonah, you can see the nurse.' Ms. Fortunado hands Jonah a clinic pass, and he takes it as I bend down to collect his books.

'Um, should I go with him?' I meet Jonah's gaze as I hand him his things, and I'm not sure if it's the crush, the shock, the guilt, or the mortification causing my knees to feel weird and wobbly.

'I'm sure Jonah can find his way.' Ms. Fortunado's tone suggests she doesn't buy my good Samaritan act. I flush because I actually do have an ulterior motive, but I give her my best baleful expression in case she gets the wrong idea.

'Cheers,' Jonah says as he takes his books and walks off in the direction of the clinic without a backward glance. Story of my crush.

* * *

A/N: You might be wondering why Jessie is the one who has to offer her hanky to a boy. There was no way around it -- no self-respecting teenage Aussie guy would be caught dead carrying a handkerchief around!

The gif is from Teen Wolf. Click on the external link for a gallery of Stiles/Dylan O'Brien gifs. They're adorable!

x Brie

PS Dedicated to jade-says, who voted for Christmas In July and welcomed us to Wattpad. Thank you!

Next: Oh, Jonah...

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