08. Say anything

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Dan appears at my side with the girls.

'Did we get everyone?' he asks, smiling.

I beam at Radhika. 'We have time for a couple more. Maybe you can ask Jonah? He's over there talking to Alex. And Dani, maybe you can interview...' A couple of seniors walk around the corner, and it looks like they're heading for Jonah, so I gesture in their direction. 'Them?'

The girls follow my instructions with as much enthusiasm as when we began, and this time Alex does the introductions. Jonah listens to the girls for a few seconds before he looks up and his eyes meet mine. I'm not sure what they told him because he lifts one eyebrow and if I had to describe his expression it would definitely count as a smirk.

Dan gives me a shoulder nudge, but my attention is somewhat divided.

'So...Jonah Sullivan, huh?'

And now Dan has my complete attention. 'What are you talking about?'

He gives me a look that says he doesn't buy my show of innocence, but we've been friends for a long time so I just wait him out.

'Jessie and Jonah sitting in a tree...' he chants in a low voice, close to my ear. I feel very satisfied when my elbow connects with his ribs, but he just chuckles.

'You're so childish, Danny Boy.' I exaggerate his childhood nickname in an attempt to distract him. It doesn't work, and he gives me an infuriating grin.

'So you're into older men, Agoncillo? That's very surprising.'

'Dan, will you stop?' I whisper. It doesn't take much to start a rumour at school, and there's nothing worse than a rumour based on truth, because no matter how much you try to deny it, everyone knows you're lying. Or maybe I'm just really bad at lying.

Dan does a playful little shuffle and rubs the top of my head, and I'm seriously considering punching him, when Renie and Mila arrive, saving me from further mockery.

Dan and Renie conspicuously avoid each other's eyes. It's like they're not even in the same room. Dan and I have known each other since kindergarten -- his mother is one of my godparents, and mine is his, which means we're essentially family in the Filipino sense. Unfortunately, as of six months ago, he also became Renie's ex, and this puts me in a weird place whenever all three of us are together.

'Hey, Jessie,' Mila says. 'Where have you been?'

There's an awkward silence as my friends and I communicate through the expressive use of our eyeballs. Dan's looking at me, so I pretend not to see Renie's WTF expression, and Mila's gah face.

'Just doing some interviews for the podcast,' I finally say, gesturing toward where the girls are winding up their interviews. Mila's eyes widen when she spots Jonah, and she gives me a slightly accusing glare, which I pretend not to see. Luckily, Dan is staring at some random point in the hallway and misses our little exchange.

Renie is already walking away, sounding very tense. 'Gotta run. I can't be late for Japanese.' She gives me a meaningful glance -- I take that as a reminder of the challenge -- and I give her a look of apology before she turns away and walks off. We all pretend not to notice Dan's crestfallen expression.

With Renie gone, Dan starts a conversation about homework and it's strained at first, but he's actually a really funny guy, so by the time first bell rings, we're all giggling at his impersonation of Ms Valencia, our Chemistry teacher.

'Well, that was only marginally awkward,' Mila comments drily as Dan heads into class. I'm still technically supervising the podcast interviews, so I have an excuse to loiter with Mila for a little longer.

'He's okay,' I shrug. 'I feel bad for him.'

Mila gives me the side-eye. 'Chicks before d--'

Radhika and Val interrupt our conversation as they hand me their recorders. I high-five all four girls and give them lots of encouragement before they run off to their own classes. Mila looks very amused by all the beaming going on.

It doesn't escape me that Jonah hasn't gone to class yet, and Mila gives me a huge wink before calling out in an unusually loud voice, 'I'll see you at lunch. I can't be late for French!'

There are a few other people around, and I don't know what else to do, so I walk slowly to my own class, willing Jonah Sullivan to...I'm not sure what. To do something.


That's it. Jessica. Not even a hi or hello. But it's enough to make me feel like I might vomit. In a good way. Kind of.


I try for a slightly sarcastic expression, but unfortunately it comes out as somewhat...breathless. How embarrassing.

'Can I ask you a question?'

I might have stopped breathing. I'm sure that's why my voice comes out all squeaky. 'Uh, sure.'

'Are you stalking me?'

Short of a dangerous fever, I don't think it's possible for anyone's face to get any hotter than mine becomes in about two seconds. That's how long it takes my brain to process Jonah's words.

'I mean,' he continues and belatedly I notice the unholy sparkle in his disgustingly charming brown eyes, 'I don't blame you.' He gestures to his...his torso area...and I have no willpower because my eyes follow the direction of his hands, and I'm so utterly disappointed at my weak, weak, hormonal self. 'But I'm not sure it's healthy for you.'

My eyes snap back to his and I barely stop myself from gasping out loud. Despite the roaring in my ears -- my body's usual response to being so close to Jonah -- I know that if I surrender to Jonah's teasing now I might as well give up the challenge. It's true that none of my crushes have ever given me the time of day before. So the fact that Jonah Sullivan, my previously unattainable crush, is standing in front of me and actually initiating conversation feels like a huge deal. I don't have much experience in flirtation -- some might argue I don't have any experience in flirtation -- that might actually lead somewhere, but at the back of my mind, I know that I have to win this round.

For me, if nothing else. I don't want to be just another groupie who follows him around like a lovestruck puppy.

I want him to see me.

So I quirk an eyebrow, lift my chin, and dismiss him with a flick of my shoulder.

'Jonah Sullivan, I hate to break it to you, but you're not that hot.'

The last thing I see is Jonah's smile turning into a full-blown grin, and I can't decide if it looks more like a surrender...or a challenge.

* * *

A/N: The gif is Dylan O'Brien (via Tumblr). Who even knows what he's doing? Clearly, that's not the point! I'm not sure how it relates to this chapter, but I'm sure there's a good reason...

x Brie

PS Dedicated to shelbyoftheday, who was our second ever follower. Thank you! :)

Next: There's a lot of squealing, because all the feels!

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