“Oh my goodness, Katie-Anne!!!!! We haven’t talked in sooooooooooo long! I’ve missed you!!!!!!!”

I giggled “Smartass.”

“Yup,” she said, popping the p, “now get your smartass ready! We’re going to my favorite hangout!”

“Alright! Give me a few.”

I went to my room, grabbing a pair of jean shorts and a black tank top with one pair of red rhinestone lip prints on it. I grabbed my red converse, and grabbed my bag.

“Ready!” I called.

“Okie dokie! Let’s rock!”

We drove into town, and stopped along the street.

“The bakery is your favorite place to hang?” I asked, unimpressed.

“No, silly! We have to walk the rest of the way!” Molly bubbled with excitement.

I smiled “Well, let’s get hiking!”

We walked between the bakery and the library, and headed up a small path that ran over a hill. When we reached the top, I saw a building in a small valley. But I heard something coming from the building.

“Does anyone else know about this place?” I asked.

“I didn’t think anyone did...” Molly frowned slightly.

“Let’s check it out!!!!” I exclaimed, feeling adventurous.

Molly nodded and we crept closer to the building.

“Someone’s playing music.” I whispered, pinpointing what the noise was.

It was a male’s voice, accompanied by two guitars, a keyboard, drums, and two harmonizing voices. 

Wow! They are REALLY good!

“Wait a second.....I LOVE this song!” I whispered.

I peeked through the crack in the door as a female voice sang the familiar chorus.

“It’s a quarter after one, I’m all alone and I need you now...”

Molly and I smiled at each other. I looked back into the building right as a beautiful male voice took over.

“....and I said I wouldn’t call, but I’m a little drunk and I need you now...”

My jaw dropped. Standing there, singing and playing the guitar, was Will. My heart melted.

He can SING too?!?!?!? Ugh.....and I thought he couldn’t get anymore perfect!

Molly beamed, trying desperately to not squeal in delight.

“Look who is playing the other guitar!” She whispered, excitement oozing through her voice.

It was Jack. I smiled, genuinely happy for Molly.

The song ended, and the band slapped each other high fives.

“Hey. Let’s do the other one.” The girl said, excited.

“But you said you don’t know the other one.” Will said.

“So? I just sing the harmony. You do the melody. I’ll pick it up eventually.” The girl said.

“What ever you say, Casey.”

They started playing another song, one I LOVED to sing! It was one of my most favorite duets.

“I really hate to let this moment go; touching your skin and your hair falling slow. When a goodbye kiss, feels like this...” Will’s beautiful voice sang.

My Southern GentlemanWhere stories live. Discover now