Negan (Upon us) Part 2

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It's been Three days now. Everything seems crazy and Wrong. Everything they do is.. Off.

Somehow it feels Safer from what You had with Rick and the group, but you didn't like it, you didn't like the way all Negan's men stared at you as you walked around the camp. 

Negan had told his men to stay away from you, to not touch you, that he would take care of you, but he had yet to show up and do anything he's promised, Heck you hadn't seen him since they day you went with him. 

The day was hot and sticky and you of course had been stuck with fencing duty, the fact that you were Negan's Ex didn't save you from the hard work you were given, if anything only made it worse.

The sound of hissing and growling Walkers almost covered up the teasing of the other girls at the Camp, There wasn't many women but there were a few and come to find out, more than one of them were his new Wife.

The Girl's didn't Particularly like you, since you were there Husband's Ex, so they found the best way to deal with there anger was to take it out on you while you worked, and you of course didn't take it very lightly.

For weeks you bit your tongue, holding back what you wanted to say the most, mostly because you knew Negan would hear about it and punish you. 

But today you couldn't take it anymore, there threats became to much and before you realized  what you were doing, you had a smaller girl by the throat, her face turned pale you screamed at her and her friends. 

"Oh? so i'm Not Important? Well at least he Actually Cared about me! your just some useless sluts!" You screamed throwing the girl back, who scrambled to her feet and began running away with her friends.

You sat for a moment huffing and puffing from your loss of air, thinking about what you'd just done and what was to come.

Then you heard a deep laugh from behind you, and some clapping, thinking it was one of his men you spun around and began yelling again, only to meet Negan's smiling face.

You air got caught in your throat as you dropped to your knees to kneel down to him, He instantly began laughing again, "Wow.. Y/N, you-That was Amazing" he said in Awe, then pursed his lips, "You'd Make a fuckin' Great second in command." 

Your eyes bulged as he said those words, He hadn't ever been one to share his rule, and now with one little anger management slip he wanted you to be Second in command, then before you could think anything over, you did something stupid.

You Sassed you Commander.  You Sassed Negan. 

"Why would I? It's been three days and you haven't even come to talk to me." you said in a ruley and deep tone.

His eyes widened as you spoke, his grip on Lucille tighting till his knuckles went white, "Excuse me?" he asked with a raised eyebrow, his lips pressed into a thin line. 

You took a step back confidence draining at the thought of getting your brains bashed in, "I- You said you'd take care of me.. but all I've found out is you've got six brand new wives, like i didn't even exist." you replied keeping your eyes to the ground.

His jaw tensed up and he relsed the grip on his bat, "Y/N.. I'm not a touchy feely guy and you know that better than anybody.. I-I thought you were Dead- I.. I've changed." he said, his eyes now to the ground.

"Well- Look at me, I'm Here. I'm Alive. Embrace it." You said Taking a tiny step forward "So what are you gonna do?" 

(Part Three? maybe they re-fall for each other??? He ditches his Wives??) 

Hope you guys like it!!! 


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