Daryl x Reader (Training)

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"Ugh.." you gave a small sound of disgust as another one of your arrows flew into the woods as you tried to train your shot.

You heard a small Ruffled laugh from behind you, you spun around quickly ready to fire at what ever or whoever it was. 

You sighed dropping your aim as you learned it was only Daryl, He smiled and spoke up, "Trust me with an aim like that your not going to shoot anybody." he said pointing to the multiple arrows in the ground and stuck into trees around the target.  

You gave a small sigh and rubbed the bridge of your nose in defeat, "Well i wasn't particularly Brought up to fight the Zombie apocalypse." you said looking over at him as he was now standing right next to you. 

"Well you are, and shooting like that your gonna get yourself killed." he said pulling out a few arrows he had and handing them to you,  "Here. Shoot." he said

You nodded meekly and shoved the arrow into the bow and pulled it back with a deep breath, You let out a bit of air and sent the arrow flying. .. Into the woods.

He shook his head, "Your stance is wrong." he said gently sliding his hands across your torso and pulling you sideways, then Nodded  "Much better. Now use archer point, right at your jaw." he added. 

You nodded and pulled the bow back, ready to fling another arrow, and you did but instead of flying into the woods, it hit the bulls eye.

You laughed happily a huge grin plastered to you cheeks, "I did it!" you cheered looking back at the arrow, he smiled "I knew you could." he said with a wink. 

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