Rick Grimes ("Will there be girls?"

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"Where's Carl going?" you asked as the young boy walked away from the group.
"I don't know, he doesn't really tell me anything anymore," Rick grumbled before also walking away. You had noticed the growing gap between the handsome sheriff and his son, and you felt terrible about it. Lori had died not too long ago, and they just lost Judith, too; they needed each other.
"Carl," you called after him, running to catch up to him.
"What do you want, Y/N?" Carl said as he continued to trudge through the woods.
"Where are you going?"
"I just need to get away, I need some time to myself."
"It's too dangerous to go by yourself."
"I can handle myself!" he argued.
"I know you can. So does your father," you mentioned lightly.
"No he doesn't, he just wants to baby me. If he had done that with everyone at the prison, we wouldn't be stuck out here."
"That was not your dad's fault. He did the best he could do. The governor was crazy." Carl didn't respond to that, so you continued to follow him in silence.
"Do you think we'll get to Terminus?" he asked after a long pause.
"I think so. I think we need to," you said thoughtfully.
"Do you think there will be, uh, girls there?" Carl eventually mumbled out. A huge grin broke across your face and you draped your arm around Carl.
"Girls, eh?" you joked.
"Shut up, just forget I ever said anything," he said, trying to hide his blush.
"Carl Grimes, do you like girls?" you teased.
"I said shut up, Y/N."
"No, no this is good. Since you're asking, I do think there will be girls there. Well at least I hope, for your sake anyways. I mean you can't just keep staring at Michonne all day," you joked some more.
"I do not stare at Michonne," he said as he playfully shoved you.
"But you did stare at Beth?" Carl blushed even more.
"Yes. I did."
"Dude, she was so much older than you!"
"I know, I know. I kind of like older women," Carl said with a smile. You tried to hold back your laugh, but it erupted in a giggly snort.
"Older women? You never stared at me," you said jokingly offended.
"That's because my dad's got that one covered," he said knowingly. This time it was your turn to blush, which made Carl laugh some more. You laughed it off and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Let's head back," you said as you turned around. You were inches from a walker. Carl shot it before you could even gasp, splattering the blood on your face. You laughed as you tried to clean it off.
"Hey, maybe my dad won't stare at you now," he joked.
"Carl Grimes, I am going to kill you!" you shouted as you jumped on his back.
"Y/N! You're so heavy!" he joked as he continued to carry you piggyback style.
"Oh shut up, when you find your dream girl at Terminus, you'll want to give her piggyback rides," you said as he continued to walk back. The both of you were laughing so hard when you got back to your small camp, that Michonne and Rick could hear you for a while.
"Keep quiet, will ya?" Michonne said as she looked around. "If we can hear you, so can the walkers."
"Sorry," the both of you whisper laughed.
"Put me down, Carl," you demanded.
"Fine," he said as he tossed you back on the floor, causing Michonne and Rick to laugh along with you.
"This isn't over," you said as you stood back up and lunged towards Carl.
"Alright," Rick said intervening with a slight smile on his face. "Y/N, how about you help me find some water. That way the two of you can stay apart from each other."
"Fine," you said as you followed Rick. When you reached a small river, Rick stopped and looked at you.
"I don't know how I can thank you," he said.
"What do you mean?"
"You made Carl smile again," he said, looking down. "I don't think I could of ever done that without you here."
"It was nothing really, we just talked about relationships mostly," you said.
"Relationships?" Rick asked with a tilt of his head.
"Yeah," you said instantly regretting it. "Just, Carl asked me if I thought girls would be there at Terminus, and I said yes. So we mostly just talked about that," you said, wanting to stop the conversation.
"What about your relationships?"
"My relationships?" you asked with a snort. "Well, we didn't really talk about it. But Carl did say," you paused and saw Rick was just inches away from you. "Something," you said just above a whisper.
"Something?" he asked at the same tone, moving a piece of hair out of your face.
"Yeah, he said you, uh, stare at me," you mumbled.
"Carl sees more that I thought," he said.
"So you do stare?"
"You're incredibly beautiful, ya know."
"I am? I mean, uh, thanks."
"Do you mind if I stare?" he asked, inching closer to your face, his eyes locked on yours.
"Have a hot cop stare at me? Who wouldn't want that?" you joked, and immediately blushed at your comments. Rick chuckled a little bit before placing his hand in your hair, on the back of your neck.
"Thank you for helping Carl today," he said.
"It's no pro-" you began before being cut off by Rick's lips against yours. He kissed you softly at first, but once you placed your hands in his hair, and his were on your waist, he deepened the kiss. He lifted you up, so your legs were wrapped around his torso, and laid you down on the grass.
"Dad?" Rick pulled away for a moment before placing a finger to his lips. He crawled off of you and stood up.
"What is it Carl?"
"You've just been gone for a while. It's getting dark, you should probably come back. Where's Y/N?" he asked with a smirk.
"Just head back, we'll be there in a few," he said, waving Carl off. Rick turned back to you. He crouched down next to you to continue kissing you but your stood up.
"He's right, we should go," you said kissing him softly. He grabbed your hand and spun you around to face him.
"Rick, we should go. It's getting dark, and we will have to protect our camp. Come on, you can stare at me on the way back," you joked as you grabbed his hand and led him back.
"I love you," he said when you were almost to camp. You blushed and kissed him quickly.
"Took you long enough," you whispered.

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