What he does to you

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(Did anybody watch TWD premier last night?  I'M NOT OKAY)

Daryl- You weren't scared of much anymore, but there was one thing that always got you, Snakes, those dirty, slimy little things were everywhere and you hated them, One day while you were helping Daryl and Rick Garden one of those suckers came slithering right next to you, and of course you made a scene, you screamed like a little girl cause both Rick and Daryl to aim at you with there weapons, Once they realized that there wasn't anything really wrong and you screamed over a mere Garden Snake, Daryl never left you alone about it, he would always push you near them or pick them up and dangled them over your head, one time he picked one up and held you down while dangling it over your face. 

Rick- Again, there wasn't Much that scared you but You had a massive Phobia of bugs. Not just big bugs, All bugs. Especially Grasshoppers, they freaked you out and Rick Knew it, While you two were Gardening he would pick them up and throw them at you, causing you to scream and everybody to think you were hurt. 

Carl- You loved you hair, and it HAD to be perfect, all the time, no Exceptions. Carl knew you hated when people touched your hair and quite Frankly he liked how mad you got, He thought it made you look adorable, So every time you come of of your cell with your hair all pinned up, He'd Run by and knock it down with a loud laugh as he kept running.

Glenn (It Hurts to write his name..) - Now you'd gotten use to Glenn taking pictures of you, he said he wanted to always Capture your beauty, but what you didn't like is when in the morning's when you'd just wake up, looking like complete Doggie Crap, he'd snap a photo of you, bed head and all. 

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