Rick Grimes (New year, New start)

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(Okay, This is straight from tumblr, I found this and loved it so I'm going to post it, since I'm having major writers block i didn't change it so its more mine than anything. But I will be making more of my own soon!)

We all sat around the fire at the bottom of the prison, just after finishing our dinner. We had found the prison two days ago and we couldn't have been more grateful. Hershel walked over and sat down beside Beth. "Happy New Year's." He said, addressing the group.
"What?" Daryl asked, confused as we were..
"I've been keeping a tally ever since this whole thing started. It's New Years Eve." Hershel answered, Daryl began to run towards the prison. "Hey Dixon, where ya going?" I asked. But he continued to run. Around ten minutes later, he emerges again with a couple of beers in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. Rick laughed.
"Knew these would come in handy sometime." Daryl winked, passing them around. We all shared stories until late in the evening, talking about our lives and how we had gotten to here. It had been nice to finally get to know some of the group, learning about Glenn's sisters and T-Dog's girl. Lori and Rick decided that for a while they would be better off not speaking, making clear to everyone that they were no longer together. I was sad because I knew how much this had hurt Carl but Rick was starting to seem happier.
"Your turn Y/N." Daryl said, passing me the bottle. I took a swig and began talking about I was a kindergarten teacher. After my stories had finished, I offered the bottle to Rick, who happily accepted.
"I don't have much to tell. I was just a plain guy. Sheriff Deputy. Nothing special. But I thought 'cause it was New Year's that I'd just say how lucky I am. I could've been on my own in this thing. But while the world has gone to shit, I've found a family. I don't know about you guys, but I'd much rather be here, right now than on my own somewhere." I could see the smiles on everyone's faces, showing how much we all agreed with him. "Cheers." He said, clicking the bottle with Daryl's can of beer and smiling at me.
"Me too." Glenn said. "Me three." Daryl added, shocking the group but showing he was definitely prepared to be a part of this family.
"Me four. If it weren't for you guys I'd probably be walker meat by now." I laughed. Rick was right. We were a family.
It was getting late now and we were all beginning to feel he effects of not having slept properly for months. "I say it's midnight." Maggie smiled. Beth began to sing Auld Lang Syne as we all watched in awe. None of us apart from Maggie and Hershel had any idea that she could sing. As we joined in the singing, Maggie and Glenn shared their kiss. Rick shifted over towards me. "You really meant what you said huh?" I asked, still looking at Beth. "Over course I did. Imagine if I hadn't met you." Our eyes found each other and we both blushed. He began to laugh.
"What's so funny Grimes?" I nudged him. "I've never seen you be so much of a girl in one night Y/N." He laughed. "Usually I see ya stabbing walkers in the throat. But here we are. All ya need is a pretty dress." He smirked.
"Alright, alright enough." I nodded, laughing with him. He was right. But it was him who brought it out in me.
The song was about to finish. "You wouldn't mind if I kissed you, Y/N?" He asked. His blue eyes pierced through mine. Before I could answer, he kissed me to the sound of everyone cheering for Beth and ringing in the New Year. I hugged him tightly. "Guess this really is a new start." He whispered into my ear.
Should auld acquaintances be forgot and never brought to mind?
"Happy New Year, Rick." I said, staring into his eyes. A broad grin stretched upon his face.
I'll take a cup o' kindness yet, for Auld Lang Syne. "Happy New Year, Y/N." He kissed me again.
New Year, New Start.

The walking Dead (Preferences and Imagines)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon