He saves you

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Daryl- You and Daryl had been paired up for a hunting Trip, You were the Two best trackers so you could see why, You stood behind Daryl Flipping the tip of your arrow back and forth as he looked around for a deer or rabbit or something he could get some meat off of, and of course being the great Sight like you are, you instantly spotted a deer, you mumbled something like "Deer.." to Daryl before walking in the oppiste direction to go and Get in an Okay area to shoot the thing, And it saw you, it took off running, hoping to save your food you ran after it, eventually hitting a rock and falling losing sight of the deer, and the trail, You slowly stood back up looking around at the woods, it was growing darker and you had no idea where you were, Before you could even react a obnoxious snarly came from beside you, you slowly turned your head to see a Walker headed in your direction, you moved your hand to reach down for an arrow when you realized, you sent your last one flying off into the woods, the walker grew closer as you turned to run, but instead of flying forward you bumped right into someone, and that someone was Daryl Dixon, "Oh Crap.." you said as he pulled you up "I thought you werent ever gonna find me." He rolled his eyes at your remark and shoved you forward, aiming and killing the walker in one shot, "My Hero." you cooed Sarcastically as he turned around about to start lecturing you for walking away, He closed his mouth tightly and shook his head "Don't do that i was really worried." 

Rick- Rick never let you go anywhere by yourself, and I mean Anywhere, he followed you around like a mamma deer to her babies, but you being you, decided it would be a fantastic idea to sneak out and go for a little walk by yourself,  You got half way passed the gates when something heavy fell onto you, it didn't take you long to realize it was a Walker, you tried desperately to grab your gun but you couldn't move your arms beneath The Dead rotting Man, Then a loud bang rang out and the weight was lifted, along with you from the ground, you met eye's with rick instantly 'Y/N What were you thinking! you scared the Crap out of me!" 

Carl -You sat on the lawn Of the Prison reading a old book, The sun beating down on you as everything was quite and peaceful, You got more and more into the book and you must have zoned out because when you looked up More than a few hours had passed by, the sun was starting to sink and everybody who was walking around before was gone, That's when the quite of the afternoon was stirred  by the groaning of a walker, You quickly turned to see it standing over you snapping its yellow teeth at you, You jumped up with a loud scream but before you could say anything else , in one loud bang it went down, you turned to see who your night in shining armor was, and there stood Carl grimes a worried frown on his face, "I was looking for you. I  see your out here still being a nerd." he said, the last part with a wicked grin on his face. 

(I KNOW. Glenn and Abe were killed by this trash can, but i love Jeffery Dean Morgan so... Should  I add Negan?) 

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