Chapter 36

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Andy was in a meeting that I had absolutely no interest in, fletcher was dead, the boys were out bowling...where does that leave me? Oh yeah locked in my fucking room like a child. I mean come on I had sex with the dude, I though we were passed this. I continued to band my head against the wall as I mulled over my angry thoughts, silently cursing my mate's name with each time my forehead came in contact with the wall's dark blue plaster.

After a while of doing this it was obvious that no one was going to come and stop me so I began to pace around the room, angry mutters coming from my mouth. I was making my fifth round around the room when I heard the window slam shut. Out of instinct my head snapped to the window so fast I wondered why I didn't get whiplash. Normally I would shrug this sort of thing off as the house being old, however that thought was quickly eradicated when I saw a trail of wet foot prints leading to my wardrobe.

"Okay," I whispered rolling my shoulders, preparing for the fight that would most probably would occur when I opened the doors to find some rapist or murderer. Taking slow steps towards the slightly ajar wooden doors of my old, eighteenth century wardrobe, I gripped on to the knife I kept in my back pocket. Something that I had just recently started doing due to Andy's concern for my Safety when I was alone.....much like now.

Heavy breaths were coming from the large dresser, each one freaking me out more than the last, what kind of person breathes like that? With one final step my toes were touching the wardrobe's wooden base and my knife was clasped firmly in my pale hands. At this point I wasn't even scared, I was buzzing with anticipation and excitement. It had b en so long since I had participated in an actual fight and I was willing to take what ever was given to me. With a grin plastered on my face I reached out to the metal handle, only to be knocked back when the doors flew open and a body lunged at me. I quickly scurried to my feet and turned to look at the same figure that was in my room the Fletcher died.

"you," I breathed out habitually taking a fighting stance, the figure no longer looked like a simple black mist anymore, almost looked human. Its body twitched every once in a while reminding me of when a video game character glitches in a faulty game. A large black, ripped cloak hung from it and its skin was a deathly shade of white. "hello Alaska," it greeted back, however its voice was anything but friendly and cheery. it sounded deep, yet shrill, a menacing tone seemed to have been permanently woven through its voice. "it seems you remember me," this time its voice seemed almost happy yet it still sounded like it was seconds away from tearing my throat out. as i continued to stare at its terrifying form I noticed it raise its heady, pulling a gasp from my open mouth.

Its teeth were sharpened, its lips formed a tight smirk and it eyes, its eyes were an off white that almost looked like a full moon. The most startling thing about it was the fact that it had my mother's face...this monster in front of me was my mother.

"Judging by the look of horror on your face I'm guessing you figured it out, smart girl." it nodded to itself, err herself. "so you finally see what you did to me huh?"

"I-I didn't do that," I said, shakily pointing at her grotesque figure, "last time I saw you, you looked perfectly healthy." Something that resembled a sneer escaped her lips as her head turned in an inhume way to face me, "you put this curse upon me!" a black liquid began to fill her empty eyes, spilling over and streaming down her face in small rivlets. "no," I shook my head, confused and...scared. This creature-this thing raised me, soothed me when I cried, fed me with the small income she recieved and gave me a place to call home, but now...I can't even recongnise her-it.

"what curse! I am no witch, I am incapable of performing such acts of evil!" I yelled, frustration and sadness building up. Her dry lips twitch upwards causing them to crack and for blood to escape from the new splits in their surface. "your father," she spit out his title like venom, eyes filling with unbridled rage. "sought out a witch, a very powerful, selfish witch," Her body twitched in a seizure like manner as she spoke of this witch. "he wanted to make sure that I would care for you no matter what, so he told this witch that if I were to ever abandon you...that I should be punished in the most horrible way!" She threw her head back, shrieks of laughter escaping her bleeding lips, "He told me this, in hopes that if you did turn out to be a filthy beast I would still care for you," She stopped to lick the blood from her face before continuing.

"however, nothing on this planet could make me love you!" nails lenghened, and teeth sharpened to dangerous needle points, this was not my mother. "do you wish to know what this choice earned me?" gulping, I hesitantly nodded my head, taking a small, unoticeable step back. "The curse stated that I would lose all humanity and become nothing but a manifested form of sorrow and anger, incapable of feeling any other emotion." She took a step forward, eyes fixed on me. "and its all your fault!" Without warning, her feet left the ground in a lunge, teeth bared in a snarl and nails aimed at my throat.

Adrenaline shot through my vains, allowing me to dodge the attack with nothing but a scratch. "you bitch!" she shrieked, preparing another attack. I stood, readying myself only to be surprised when a strange black mist filled the room. It smelled of rotting fish and I immediately started choking on the foul stench, I hadnt even noticed the deranged phsycopath as she walked around to my convulsing body. "Cant stand the smell of sorrow eh?" sorrow?

"this mist, its concentrated sorrow and not just any sorrow, its your mate's." she gave me a side glance, smile wide across her derformed face. "w-what?" I managed to finally choke the words out. "the sorrow your mate will feel after your death, this is has already begun to form and just in time. As if on cue, a bang was heard at the door along with the loud thundering of Andy's voice. Through my blurry vision I managed to make out his figure as he broke into the room. 'Andy' is what I wanted to call out but it didnt manage to leave my lips, this wa it...

With a sudden pain, I knew it had been done. A silver dagger had been burried in my chest, piercing my heart and severing all connections to major arteries and nerves. My breathing was laboured and I could feel the sorrowful mist grow stronger, engulfing me and separating me from the others that occupied the room. 'andy, I love you' no matter how many times I attempted, I knew those final words would never reach him.

⎯ ⎯ ↩︎ all of your faces right now. ⎴

yeah, I kind of suck right now. first I don't update in like ages and now I'm planning to kill off a main character I am everything that is wrong with the world and I apoligize. However! There is still hope for Alaska. lets have a vote, either she dies or she lives, by the next time I update whichever has the most votes will happen.

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