Chapter 12- marked

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The next morning I woke up in Andy's arms with my legs hopelessly tangled with his. I turned my head and nearly melted at the sight, Andy was fast a sleep and his features had completely softened leaving him looking innocent and angelic.

His longish dark black hair had fallen over his eyes and his deep red lips were set in a peaceful smile. His pale skin contrasted against the black sheets making it look completely untouched by the sun, he didn't have a single freckle, scratch or Mar on his perfect face.

He stirred a bit and I quickly looked away to make sure he wouldn't catch me checking him out because I'd probably never hear the end of it. "Good morning my beautiful mate" his deep voice sent pleasure running down my spine and a non Consensual shudder to rack my body.

"I finally have you" he purred as he played with my hair. "No you don't" I blurted out before covering my mouth with my hands. His eyes were constantly flickering from blue to black as he tried to reign in his control.

"What do you mean?" He gritted out and tightened his grip on my waist. I winced slightly and huddled in closer to the duvet. "I-I m-mean you don't have me yet I mean you just forcefully took me from my pack, do you really think I'm just going to all of a sudden fall completely in love with you and become the good little housewife all Lunas are supposed to be"

His eyes were completely black by now with little flecks of red dancing through them, he was shaking and letting out loud growls as he stared me down. "You are my mate, You. ARE .MINE ! do you understand?!" I whimpered slightly but didn't respond.

"You will be my Luna, you will bear my pups and you will love me!" I was terrified and shaking but his growling didn't die down if anything it got worse. "How dare you be afraid of me I am your mate!" A tear fell down my cheek and I nodded. "I'm sorry but.." Before I could finish he cut me off. "No buts, no man will ever look at or touch you the way I do and you shall not look at or touch any man the way you do me!"

I continued to nod too afraid to talk as he seemed to slowly calm down. "Now we must discuss our mating" I nearly choked at those words, mating? "Mating?" "Yes mating I expect we will have mated and completed our bond within two weeks" this time I did choke, I couldn't mate with him in the time span of two weeks.

"But I'm not ready to mate with you" I whispered trying not to anger him too much. "And why not?" I tried to think of an excuse that wouldn't cause him to wolf out on me. "Um" I blushed knowing what I was going to say. "Because I'm a virgin and I'm just not ready for sex." I said looking down.

At this news a bright smile lit up his face. "That's great, so am I that will make it even more special" my eyes widened he must be joking he couldn't be a virgin he's a fucking God. "You're a virgin?" "Surprising right? Considering how sexy I am" I rolled my eyes at him but then he turned serious again.

"I've always wanted my first everything to be with my mate and when I didn't find you when I turned sixteen I was heart Broken and it was a real struggle to keep my virginity but I held on and now I have been rewarded." He said softly inhaling my scent and once again purring,God he does that a lot.

"I haven't even had my first kiss yet" he said and I could feel my wolf bursting with happiness at the thought of her mate saving himself for her. She was already willing to lift her tail and allow him to mate with her but I on the other hand was a lot stronger.

He was still nuzzling my neck and I wanted to change the subject. "I'm hungry" I complained and his head immediately shot up. "What would you like we've got a lot of food but if you don't like any of that I could always go out and buy you something you would like"

He said giving an adorable smile that reminded me of a young boy trying to impress his mother. "I'm sure that won't be necessary" he nodded before taking my hand and leading me downstairs to the kitchen. "There's cereal in the cupboards and eggs, bacon and other stuff like that in the fridge, I'm going to go put some pants on" he chuckled before running back up the stairs. I sighed before walking over to the cupboards he pointed out and grabbing some sugar frosted Cheerios.

I sat down at the kitchen counter staring into the bowl of milk and Cheerios as I pondered my predicament. I really missed my cousins and the rest of my pack and Andy was really demanding and scary but I knew there would be no point in running he would just find me anyway.

A man with longish black hair that curled at the ends walked into the house and shot me a surprised look. "Oh I didn't know Andy had company, I'm Fletcher" the man, Fletcher said holding out his hand. I stared into his blue green eyes before finally moving my hand so it rested in his and gently shook.

"Alaska" I stated firmly giving him my best forced smile. "You're very pretty Alaska, may I ask what a beautiful kind girl like yourself is doing in my tight ass brother's house" I blushed at his compliment, God why do I all of a sudden keep blushing!

He gave me a very charming smile before looking behind me and smirking, he gently leant forward and before I could process what was happening his lips were on mine.

I was about to push him back but a strong force beat me to it, Andy had his brother pinned up against the wall with his fist held up in a menacing threat.

"How dare you touch what is mine!" "Woah bro I didn't know she was your mate I thought she was just a one night stand, I was just trying to mess with you" "Andy please put him down!" I cried I really didn't want him hurting his brother because of me.

His black eyes turned to me and got darker if that was even possible. "How many times do I have to tell you, YOU.ARE.MINE! how could you go and flirt with my brother!"
"I wasn't, we were just talking!" I Defended trying to get out of being the centre of his rage.

"Yeah Andrew we were just talking calm down!" "It is alpha to you and get out of my house!" Andy yelled at Fletcher before letting him go and pushing him towards the door.

As soon as the door shut behind Fletcher Andy had me pinned up against the counter. Soft growls left his mouth and he nibbled at my neck, I was starting to panic as he got dangerously close to my marking point. "Mine, mine, mate, mine" the voice talking was no longer him but his wolf, his wolf slowly licked at my neck as he continued to growl. I stayed perfectly still the last thing I needed was to piss him off even more. "Mine, mate, mark mate." My eyes widened and I tried to shove Andy off me but he just snarled and pulled me closer moving my head so my neck was even more exposed.

"Andy please don't" I pleaded with small tears running down my face, if he marked me I would be forever bound to him and nothing would be able to break the bond. "Andy's not here" his wolf snarled before bearing his canines at me and quickly sinking them down into my flesh.

I cried out in pain as his fangs went deeper into my skin but then let out a moan as the pain turned to pleasure. I immediately felt disgusted with myself and just stood there feeling sorry for myself as the alpha in front of me started to purr and congratulate himself on his claim. He gently brought his fangs out of my neck and licked at the wound keeping eye contact with me the whole time.

His eyes slowly faded back to blue and when he took in my appearance he looked horrified. "What have I done?" He growled out reaching for me but I dodged him and ran up stairs to the bedroom and cried myself to sleep.
The mark Andy gives Alaska
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