Chapter 9- battle

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*2 years later*
I took a step back before ducking and swinging my fist at his face and hearing a satisfying crack, he stumbled back before charging at me with both fist raised. With out a second thought I blocked both hits and delivered an upper cut to his chin watching as his face was flung upwards from the impact. He wobbled for a bit before finally falling to the floor with a thump, I could hear clapping behind me and I turned around to bow.

"See this is why you're one of my best fighters" Brendon said patting me on the back as Corbin got up from his place on the ground sending me a glare as he did so. "Aww what's wrong Corby upset that you got beaten by a girl again?"

He simply stuck his middle finger up at me in reply and walked over to his mate, Kimberley. Now, remember how I told you that Chelsea was the pack's slut well Kimberly is the pack's official bitch.

As soon as Corbin reached her she started to make a huge fuss on whether he was okay or not even though he had pretty much healed already. I rolled my eyes at them and it appears that Kim caught it as she sent me a death glare before mouthing 'you better watch your back'

I smirked at her before turning back to Brendon and giving him a genuine smile. "Thanks Beebo" he groaned at the stupid nickname that I had given him shortly after I shifted. At the thought of my first shift I felt a pang of sadness, I could no longer talk to Krysten since after the shift she became a part of me instead of just being a separate being that was trapped in my body.

Fortunately I could still sense her and her feelings so I didn't feel completely alone. I laughed as I felt her hate towards Brendon and any other guy we came in contact with, after not finding our mate she became very harsh and sterile which meant I was a little out of control for a bit and shifted at the tiniest thing that angered me.

I was a very small wolf compared to every one else but that just made me really fast and stealthy which contributed to the fact that I was one of the pack's best warriors, it was an outlet for my wolf to let her anger out.

"By the way Brendon, what's with all of the extra training?" I asked as I took out a water bottle from my duffle bag. He looked nervous for a moment which caused me to raise an eyebrow at him, "is something wrong?" He shook is head before smiling at me. "I can never get things passed you, can I?" I took a big gulp of my water before replying. "Nope"

"Well if you must know we're expecting an attack soon" he said trying to make it look like it didn't bother him but I saw a hint of worry in his eyes. "So? we're attacked all of the time, it kind of comes with being the biggest pack in the world"

He let out a humourless chuckle as he ran a hand through his messily styled brown hair. "Not anymore". I gave him a confused look. "Not anymore what?" I asked, gently setting my water bottle back in my bag. "We are no longer the largest pack in the world Alaska" he said glaring at his feet.

"How is that even possible" I was taken aback, this has been the largest known pack for centuries why has this all of a sudden changed? "You are familiar with Andrew, yes?" "Yeah he's that out of control wolf that kills with out mercy." "That's the one" I scrunched my eyebrows together at why Andy has anything to do with this.

"For years he has been taking over packs and expanding his own and now he has finally gained enough that if he chose to, he could destroy this entire pack" I took a step back at this information, I always thought that Andy was misunderstood and that everyone was just spreading horrible rumours about him but obviously I was wrong he really is a monster.

"He's killed hundreds of women, men and children, when he attacks we have to try to put an end to his tyranny." Brendon's eyes had now turned black with a fierce motive hidden behind his words.

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