Chapter 27- proposal

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'Doctor, doctor
Could you please just give me somethin' for the state I'm in
I'm having trouble and society believe I got it wrong again
I'm one month sober I don't think I'm getting over my predicament
But if I jumped out of the window what would she say'

Instant guilt filled me after I realised that I had just left my mate in some forest without so much as a goodbye. I imagined his tall tattooed frame pacing back and forth while he pulled at his hair in both panic and frustration, the way his bright blue eyes would cloud over with worry when he thought I was in some kind of danger. The more I imagined my mate the less I could remember of his violent actions, I found myself questioning how I could have ever feared him in the first place. Everything he did was to protect me, sure some of it was unnecessary and just plain violent but I had to remember that he was part demon and that he didn't have the nicest upbringing.

"Are you okay?" Kieran asked, looking genuinely concerned. I mean he's my freaking guardian angel of course he'd be concerned for my wellbeing. "Do you ever feel like the world has gone mad and that the only way to make it look the least bit sane is to go completely mad yourself?" I asked looking at him. A surprised look came over his face before it morphed into a confused one. "No, why? Do you feel like that?" He questioned taking one of my hands, his eyes began to search mine looking for the information he needed.

"No, I'm just curious," I lied and judging by the look on his face he knew it. Nevertheless he dropped the topic and took a step back. "You will be back by the morning," he stated, staring off into the distance.
"Kieran?" I asked gaining his attention, " when we first met you told me you were a telepathy but you're an angel so why did you lie?" He looked down for a moment before looking back up at me, I gasped in shock and took a step back. His eyes were pitch black, almost as dark as Andy's when he's pissed.

"I didn't lie Alaska, I told you that I was a fallen angel and when an angel falls they are either thrown into hell with their wings ripped off or ditched on Earth with blackened wings and a special gift." Oh yeah that totally makes sense....not.

"The gift that is given to you is supposed to help you redeem yourself so that you can ascend back into heaven, my gift is telepathy, which allows me to move objects with my mind, read minds and if I try hard enough I can see the future."

I was still completely lost but I just nodded my head and smiled because I don't think I'll ever be able to wrap my brain around angels actually existing, once again this is coming from the girl that can actually change into a fucking wolf. "If you don't understand that's fine," he said smiling. "It is pretty unbelievable."

"You got that right," I breathed out admiring my surroundings. The walls looked to be made from solid cement but they were decorated by an array of Polaroids and posters to make them look a little friendlier, a large king sized bed sat in the corner facing the door, it's covers were a blue and black satin and its surface was graced with many different designs of blue and black pillows, heavy looking wooden furniture was splayed randomly in the room adding a laid back, comfortable vibe to the room. "Why are the walls cement?" I asked him, running my fingers over the cold, smooth surface. "We're in the guild, it's kind of like a massive refugee camp but for fallen angels that were left of Earth."
He shrugged his shoulders and took a seat on a wooden chair that was perched beside a large desk.

"So I take it that this is you room," I guessed, turning my attention away from the thick cement and back to him.
"Yup," was his simple statement, "this is home," he threw his hands out, gesturing wildly at the space around us.
"Nice," I smiled sitting down on a light grey rug that sat next to a bookshelf.
"How do you know I'll be back by the morning?" He gave me a look and his previous words clicked in my brain.
"Right, telepathy." I said nodding my head in recognition.
"Has your gift helped you?" I deliberated, looking at him carefully. I imagine it would have, being able to mover anything with your mind must come with a few advantages.
"Well it allowed be to know when you were in danger or upset, so I guess it has helped me in my mission."
"Mission?" The word mission made it sound like he did every good Deed he did just because someone told him to or because it was for personal gain.
"Yeah I consider looking after you to be my mission and before you go putting words into my mouth, no, I was not told that I had to look after you and keep you safe no matter what, I do it because it's the right thing to do and because I don't know what I'd do if something bad happened to you." I tried to pick out a lie from his sentences but there were none, he was being completely genuine and it made my heart flutter.

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