Chapter 33- mistakes

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'Some say now suffer all the children
And walk away a savior
Or a madman and polluted
From gutter institutions
Don't you breathe for me
Undeserving of your sympathy
'Cause there ain't no way that I'm sorry
For what I did
And through it all
How could you cry
For me?
'Cause I don't feel bad about it
So shut your eyes
Kiss me goodbye
And sleep
Just sleep'

The wolf in front of
Me crouched his back legs and before I could do anything he had lunged, in a split second the entirety of his weight was suppressing me and the knife was flying out of my hand.

Who does this wolf think he is!?
Practically livid, I Quickly shifted into my wolf and bared my elongated canines at the alpha in front of me. In response he lowered his head towards the vain in my neck and snarled in warning.

"How does it feel Andy?" Startled, my head shot in the direction of my new mate who sat perched on my bed, his hands folded behind his back. The mass of black fur that was still crouched over me let out a growl at my sudden movement.

"No really, I'm curious, tell me how it feels to have someone take away the things you love?!" By this point fletcher had stood up and was glaring daggers at Andy. This is my chance, with as much strength as I could muster I launched myself up at the distracted wolf, successfully throwing him off me even if it was only a few meters.

The now furious alpha turned around and snarled at me, his eyes now a blood red. At this moment I knew, I knew this wasn't Andy any more, it was the demon that he had kept locked up inside.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't terrified as I stared deep into those swirling red irises that told stories of death and sacrifice. I know that this Andy probably wouldn't have any trouble with disposing of me and that sent racks of shivers all throughout my body.

Within seconds he was on his hind legs and lounging towards my throat with only one thing in his eyes, death. There is no way I'm going to get out of this, this is where it ends. I've disappointed both of my mates, I deserve to die.

Surrendering, my wolf body laid down defeated on the floor, neck showing in submission. Somehow losing to her true mate seemed the right thing to do after the heartbreak she caused him.

In the last second before my death something weird happened. I didn't die. When I opened my eyes a lifeless wolf was laying sprawled out on the floor in front of me with teeth pictures all along his body.

In panic I looked over to the bed to see it completely vacant of my mate's presence. It couldn't be, he wouldn't. Deep breathes. Happy thoughts. Counting. None of it worked and none of it could have prepared me for this. It felt like my heart was being ripped to pieces, each individual tie I had to fletcher was snapping and each one hurt ten times more than the first.

Tears ran down my face as I stared at Fletcher's unmoving body, he had selflessly sacrificed his own life for my own. How could he be so stupid, his life was worth so much more than my own. Sobs racked my body and by this point I didn't give a shit, the grief had hit me hard and there was no point in fighting the alpha in front of me.

"This is your fault!" I screamed at him digging my hands through my hair, thinking back I probably looked like a complete phsyco path. "Why couldn't you just leave me alone?! I never wanted to be your fucking mate!" Guilt gnawed away at me as I screamed each word because the truth is I had fallen in love with the staring alpha in front of me. The words that flew out off my mouth weren't meant for him but the wolf that lay dead at my feet.

But at that moment I just needed someone to blame for my stupidity. Perhaps it was the hormones from my heat or the sorrow I felt for Fletchers death that made me want to hit the wolf in front of me with a chair but either way I was thoroughly pissed off.

My hands were clenched as I sat staring at the body, tears still occasionally flowing down my face. Warm air suddenly hit my neck and I jumped back startled. I turned to see a human, naked Andy, although I can't really judge since I am equally naked. His eyes were still red but instead of being filled with blood and death they contained concern and care.

"I can make the pain go away," he whispered looking down upon my neck. "I'm done being toyed with, I don't want to have to keep swapping between mates." I mumbled through my tears, I pulled my legs up to my chest and continued to stare at the dead body of my old friend and mate.

"No, this will be it, I will be your only this time," he hesitantly placed his nose in the crook of my neck. "I will protect you this time, I    Promise." The amount of pure sorrow and passion in his voice was enough to make me break down in another round of waterworks.

"You did a great job of that last time," I pathetically chuckled attempting to wipe the tears from my face. "This time I will, me...please," he place a small kiss on Fletcher's fast fading mark.

At this one moment in time warmth shot through my veins and I knew.
"I love you," I whispered, he understood and gently bit down into my neck leaving his mark for good this time. "I love you too," he whispered against my ear before lovingly licking his mark. In an instant all of my sorrow washed away along with every doubt or anxiety I ever had.

"I'm ready," it was time and I knew it, I could no longer put in off and I no longer wanted to. "Are you sure?" Andy asked, obviously taken aback. "I'm positive," I smiled, caressing his cheek.
"Mate with me,"

We spent the next two hours strengthening our bond and proving our love and devotion for each other, completely oblivious to the ongoing war just outside the door.
Yay I fixed it!
Alasky, wait no Anda, no ummm Alandy, I don't know, you guys can decide on the ship name. But any way Andy and Alaska are back together, not to mention mated *weird eyebrow wiggles*

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