chapter 37 - I can really imagine how things will be when i move in

Start from the beginning

          “Yesterday, some of the players of Malaga football club met up at a restaurant.” Said the woman on the screen. It seemed like one of those talk shows, but I was confused. Why would they show that on tv. “A source told us that the players met at the restaurant to meet Isco’s girlfriend, who finally had time to see them all. So we can confirm, that our little Isco is not single.” I was shocked. It wasn’t that I finally to meet them.

          “Just ignore it, it’s one of those stupid gossip shows.” Isco whispered in my ear. I was still shocked and scared. I hated when people talked and they didn’t know the whole story. Isco was kissing my neck, but I really wasn’t in the mood anymore.

          “I’ll be right back.” I said standing up. I walked to the bathroom with the comforter covering my body and closed the door behind me. I laid on the floor and looked at the ceiling. I was probably overreacting. It was the way she said finally that bother me. I didn’t want Isco to see me overreacting, so I was now hiding in the bathroom. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. “Yes, Katie, you are acting stupid.” I said out loud and Isco started knocking on the door.

          “Katie,” He said knocking on the door again. He finally decided to open it. He saw me on the floor and started shaking his head. It seems that he felt a bit uncomfortable being naked in the living room because now he was wearing boxers. He laid next to me and started looking at the ceiling. “How are you feeling?” He asked putting his arm around me.

          “Weird.” I really didn’t know exactly how I was feeling.

          “It’s the first time you see yourself on TV, I get it.” He said holding my hand.

          “it’s the way she said finally ticked me off.” I said moving closer to him. He turned to me and chuckled.

          “It’s okay, we are busy and  am glad you finally decided to join us.” He said trying to say finally like the woman on the TV did, but failed.

          “not funny.” I said punching him on the shoulder. I really hated how he knew what to say to make me smile. This week my emotions have been all mixed up and anything makes me sad or happy. We stood up from the bathroom floor and headed to his room. I grabbed a pair of underwear and put them on. “You know, I am kind of hungry.” I said giggling.

          “You are hungry now?” He said looking at the clock. “It’s almost lunch time.” He said messing up my hair. “You really need to learn to cook.”

          “I don’t wanna.” I said standing on my tippy toes and giving him a kiss.

          “I am seriously dating a 5 year old.” He said making his way to the kitchen. I started giggling like an idiot as I followed him. I did act like a 5 year old but he knew what he was getting into.

          The room was bright thanks to the sun. I sat on the kitchen counter while he started cooking. I had my camera in my hands and I really don’t know what it was but I just had to take a picture. Maybe it was the fact that he was shirtless and was in the kitchen that I just had to to. It could have also been the lighting. After I took it, I was surprised of how amazing it was. I set the camera on the counter and put the timer. I headed to where Isco was and hugged him, he was surprised but the click of the camera gave away what I was doing.

          “Did you really have to?” He said finishing up the pancakes.

          “pretty much.” I said kissing his chest and then headed back towards the camera to look at the picture. This was the picture I was going to put up in my room. It looked antique, actually you could see that we are in love. He put the plate on  the counter and gave me bite.

          “here.” He said and I took the bite.

          “thank you,” I said covering my mouth as I ate. Isco took a bite and then put the fork down on the plate. Isco took a picture of the food and then posted it on twitter and like always he liked to call out people when they talk without knowing the whole story.

          “Like it?” He said showing me the tweet.

          “I bit too much, but thanks.” I said kissing him and then reading the tweet again. “Late breakfast with my @KatieCakes love it when she comes to visit.” I said mocking him.

          “Shut up.” He said putting his phone down.

          “here.” I said giving him a bite and I took a picture of him eating. “Late breakfast with my loser @isco_alarcon”  I wrote and posted it on twitter.

          “Very funny.” Isco said feeding me another bite. We kept feeding each other while laughing until I noticed there was one piece left. It was my turn to feed Isco.

          “Enjoy.” I said but missed and filled his cheek with syrup. “oops,” I said giggling and then ate it.

          “You did it on purpose.” He said pressing his cheek against mine.

          “Stop.” I said giggling but he just wouldn’t. I passed my fingers through the plate and then his face. We kept playing with the syrup until we were both sticky. We couldn’t stop laughing. “I am all sticky.” I said laughing and pulling him close.

          “You started it.” He said and then he kissed me. It was a sweet kiss, with his hand behind my neck and his fingers in my har. “I really can’t imagine how things will be like when you move in,” He said shaking his head. He ran his fingers through her hair and then was grossed out by all the syrup. “I love you so much,”

          “I love you more.” I said licking the syrup off my lips. “and it will be loads of fun when I move in, you know it’s true.” I said smiling and then resting my hand on his chest. “Okay, I can’t take this anymore, I am taking a shower.” I stopped just before his bedroom to look back at him. “You want to join me?” I said with a wink before I disappeared into his room. I wanted to enjoy every single minute of this weekend with him.

          “If I get a groin injury, I would never hear the end of it.” He said following me into the bathroom.

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