Chapter 3

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: emmabeens

It all started that one summer...

Chapter 3 - I might like that he keeps me on my toes


I was in my room thinking about Isco. I was staring at the ceiling, and all I could do was think of his beautiful face. I still couldn't believe it, firstly, that I met him. Secondly that I had the guts to ask him to join us at the beach. He is way out of my league. For starters, he is sexy and friendly. He would never see a girl like me as more than a friend.

That was my usual label, 'Friend'. I've been friend-zoned way more times than usual. I couldn't stop myself from imagining having dinner with Isco or going to the movies. I imagined going to a match and watching him play. Me screaming at the top of my lungs for him. I imagined him dedicating a goal for me. I wondered what his lips taste like. 'Okay, I really needed to stop thinking about him.' I thought to myself.

I stood up and headed for the bathroom. I took a quick shower then went to bed. I'm not going to lie, Isco was in every single one of my dreams. In one of them, we were married, and he played for FC Barcelona. 'That will ever happen,' I thought to myself. I woke up the next morning and glanced at the clock next to me. It was 9:00 am. I had decided it was time for me to get ready to meet up with Isco. I love saying that, Isco. I started giggling in bed until I saw Emma coming out of the bathroom.

"Katie, you're thinking about him," Emma said greeting me. I just nodded. She was brushing her teeth. "Get dressed, you do want to see him?" She smiled, and I kind of felt bad because I found a complete stranger to talk to and she hasn't.

"Hey, I forgot to ask you last night. Did you see anyone you are interested in?" I said getting out of the bed and walking over to my bag. I pulled out my hot pink bikini top and aqua bottoms. I also pulled out my favorite beach dress then looked up at Emma.

"I did." She replied. I quickly got dressed in the bathroom. When I was walking out of the bathroom, she spoke again. "Jenson said that if we see him today, he'll help me out with the guy. Be my wingman. After that, we decide how things will go on from there." She said while I was fixing my hair. I was wondering if I should leave it loose, braid it, or pull it into a ponytail.

"Is he cute?" I asked as I tried to put my hair in a bun to see how it looks.

"Adorable, and he has a marvelous body." She said giggling. "He has brown hair and greenish eyes." She said thinking about the guy. I decided to leave it to pull my hair into a ponytail. I sat next to Emma and waited for her to speak again. "He has the most amazing smile." She said looking up at the ceiling.

"He sounds dreamy and you can always tell how attractive a guy is by his smile," I said giggling with her. "Isco has a charming smile," Still thinking about Isco.

"He does," Emma said as we made our way to breakfast. Jess and Jenson joined us. We started talking about today's plans. We were going to the beach then we would get some lunch in town. After lunch, we were going back to the beach for a little while. Jenson suggested that we at least come to the pool to see if we can see the guy Emma was interested in.

Emma, Jessica, and Jenson decided to check the quickest way to get to the beach while I waited for Isco. I was nervously standing outside. At the same time, I was excited to see him. I had my camera in my hands because it gave me something to do. Plus, I didn't seem like a complete fool. I was taking photos of random things to keep myself busy. I was on my knees taking a photo of the view when I heard Isco's voice.

"Does that camera ever leave your hands?" Isco said behind me making me jump a little bit.

"Very few times," I said smirking up at him while taking a photo. The angle wasn't that great, and the lighting wasn't excellent, but the photo looked nice. Well, after I edit it.

"Do people have to fight for your attention?" He asked helping me stand up.

"Not really," I replied looking away from him. "If you are interesting and cute, you have all of my attention." I couldn't believe I just said that. I tried my best to not turn bright red.

"That means I have all of your attention." He said with a cocky smile.

"No," I said giggling. "You are not cute," I said trying to act all serious and like I really meant it.

"Really?" He said sounding all disappointed. "What can I do to be cute?" He said looking into my eyes. I pretended that I was thinking then messed up his brown hair. I studied his face before replying.

"Now you are cute," I said grinning, and he grinned like a little kid making me laugh. I took a photo just because he looked amazingly adorable. I wanted to hold on to it as a memory. If this was going to be a summer thing, I wanted to keep these photos as a memory. I wanted a memory of him, us.

"Oh, so that was a joke?" He said laughing. "You are good." He said moving his hand to the back of his head. He was scratching the back of his neck.

"You are just saying that," I said walking towards the lobby to find Emma, Jess, and Jenson. I glanced behind me, and he was still standing there. "Are you coming?" I asked, and he finally started walking towards me. We saw Emma, Jessica, and Jenson waiting for us in the lobby.

"Ready to go to the beach?" Jenson said first. They all waved hello at Isco.

"Very much," Isco replied quickly. "Lead the way."

We walked through this path, and I was a bit scared that I might fall. Isco was right behind me, making sure I didn't fall. I lost my balance a few times without actually falling. There was a big rock that I did not see, and I tripped on it. I really saw myself on the ground and my camera breaking until someone caught me. I looked up and saw Isco holding me. I was against his chest and still scared. I smiled looking up at him.

"Thank you," I said grinning at him.

"Anytime," He said helping me up. "Maybe I should hold this." He said grabbing my camera. I hesitated because I don't trust people with my camera.

"Okay," I was a little bit speechless. I had been so close to Isco just a few seconds ago that I couldn't think straight.

We continued to walk and finally caught up to Emma. She was laughing then we noticed why. Jessica and Jenson were on the ground. It seemed one of them fell, and the other one just went down with them. We reached the beach a few minutes after that. It was amazing. The view was breathtaking. It was wonderful, but I have seen better beaches. The beach was filled with people, and I wanted to take pictures. I was going to reach down to grab my camera, but I remembered Isco had it. I stretched out my hand to grab the camera but Isco pushed it away.

"Give me!" I said moaning like a little girl. I tried grabbing it but he kept pushing me away.

"No way." He said with a half-smile. "This thing is going to say in its bag, and we are going to have fun and socialize. The water looks nice." He said finally finding the bag where I put my camera. He placed it next to our chairs then started taking off his shirt. I was trying my best to actually focus on what I had in front of me and not the frustration I was feeling because I couldn't have my camera.

"This is unfair," I said trying to grab my camera. He stopped me by putting his arms around me and carrying me. He began walking towards the water while I attempted my best to free myself. I explained to him that I was fully dressed, that my clothes would get wet but he didn't care. He was in the water already. He smiled at me then let me go.

I wasn't very happy when I hit the water. I glanced up at Isco to find him clutching his stomach from laughing so much. Jenson, Jess, and Emma are laughing too while I was dripping wet and not very happy. I walked back to our chairs and took off all of my dripping wet clothing. I set them on top of the chairs so they could dry off.

"Are you mad?" Isco said behind me. I glanced back at him with a smile.

"No, I just don't like cold water," I said then started making my way back to join my friends. I could hear Isco right behind me following me.

It all started that one summer... ~*~ An Isco Alarcon Fan Fictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें