Chapter 21 - I can't believe he knows exactly what to say

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It all started that one summer...

Chapter 21 - I can't believe he knows exactly what to say


          As I got closer to Miami, the part  me that missed my family and friends got happier. I couldn’t wait to see them all again. I missed everyone so much. I was also eager to reply to Isco’s text. I was hoping he had some time for a phone call even if it was just to say a short hello. I just want to hear his voice again. The plane ride from Madrid to New York was enough sleep for me, and now I was hyper, plus I had spend the entire day in JFK all alone and it was not fun at all. I looked at Isco’s text again and wonder what he must be doing. He has to be training with the team, he must be having a great time. This was his dream and I want him to be happy and have an amazing season.

          When the plane landed, I couldn’t leave fast enough. I had to pace myself and not run in search for my mother. I am the kind of girl that wants to keep her cool, or at least try to. I wait for my bad and when I finally get it, I step outside. I find my mom and run to her pulling her into my arms. She smiles and I know that she must be close to crying.

          “Mom, don’t cry.” I said smiling as I looked at  face and saw the tears.

          “I am so happy to have you back in my arms honey.” She said hugging me again and kissing the top of my head. “Even though you have some explaining to do. You were supposed to be here 4 days ago.” She said but there was no anger in her face.

          “I know, I’ll explain when we get home.” I said and we started walking to her car. I think it’s best if I tell my mom about Isco when we are home, and there is not a lot of people around us. I put my bags in the back seat and head to the passenger side. I pull out my phone because I can now finally text Isco. I read his message one last time and then reply that I got me safely, and that if he can get a chance to call me that I would appreciate it. Even if it’s just to say hello. I was missing him like crazy.

          My mom drove through the familiar roads of my childhood and making her way to my favorite restaurant ever. She had promised me, that one time I called her during my trip, that she would take me to my favorite restaurant once I got back. I was really excited and hungry. Airplane food sucks and the last strong meal I had was in JFK and I really didn’t enjoy it.

          We arrived at the restaurant and I was happy to see my sisters. I hugged them both and told my little sister I got her a shirt from the concert. I sat down and like always placed my phone on the table. My mom hates that I do that, but it’s just a habit now and it feels weird not doing it. They started asking me about Ibiza. i tried my best not to mention Isco. I wanted to tell them when we got home. After I ordered my food, my phone started to ring and my family all looked at me.

          “You just arrived and people are calling you? Who is it?” She really wanted to know who it was, well they wanted to know who it was.

          “It’s…” I said and took a deep breath then looked at the screen. There it was, a picture of us… and his name. It was a picture that I had taken in the airport with him. It was a bad picture but it was rush and it was with my phone. “It’s Isco.” I said biting my lip. My sisters and mother were shocked. Their jaws had dropped and they were wide eyed, not believing it was him. “Can you guys just give me a few seconds? He’s in Italy and I hav-”

          “Go.” My mom said cutting me off and pointing outside.

          “Thanks, mom.” I said and kissed her on the cheek. I made my way outside. “Hey.” I said answering the call.

It all started that one summer... ~*~ An Isco Alarcon Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now