"You? Happy?" Jim asked in disbelief.

Suddenly the ship took a sudden jolt causing Spock to fall forward and on top of me this time. I fell backwards in surprise landing on one of the control panned with Spock on top of me. He quickly regain his footing but not before his familiar mint scent hit my nose.

I awkwardly stood back up and looked at Jim who had practically fallen out of his chair.

"Chekov did you break my ship?!" Jim half yelled half asked as he struggled to regain his footing.

"I'm sorry sir, ze' core overheated, I had to have an emergency stop. It must have been a coolant leak, I need time to find it. I am sorry sir," Chekhov's voice said over the com.

"Dam it, Sulu time till destination?" Jim asked.

"20 minutes sir," Sulu quickly answered. "

"20 minutes in enemy space we weren't counting on," Jim said softly. He was quiet for a moment, obviously trying to think of a solution.

"Where's Spock?" Jim asked turning to find Spock readjusting his already perfect shirt.

"Right here Captain," Spock announced, stepping towards Jim.

Jim then turned to me. "Ferris how is your Klingon?" Jim asked and I shrugged.

"It's not perfect but it is good enough," I told him.

He then looked between Spock and I. "Having you two working together won't be a problem will it?" Jim asked, curiously glancing over to Uhura who also spoke Klingon.

Hell if she was going.

I glanced quickly at Spock "Absolutely not," I said quickly

"Unclear," Spock added and I quirked a brow but didn't say anything.

"All right, let's suit up then," Jim said as we made way for the door.

"Hold on Jim you can't be actually going down there. You don't rob a bank when the getaway car has a flat tire" Bones said metaphorically, stopping us from leaving the bridge.

"Don't worry I'm sure engineering will have patched us up by the time we get back, isn't that right Mr.Chekov?" Jim asked, directing his speech to a com linked to Chekov.

"Yes sir," Chekov chimed.

"Mr. Sulu, you have the comm, once we are en route I want you to transmit a targeted comm link directly to John Harrison. Just tell him you have a bunch of big torpedoes pointed at him and if he doesn't play nice your're going to use em'," Jim explained and I smirked. It was difficult to think of Sulu as threatening. He was always so kind to me.

Sulu looked a little stunned at the sudden promotion to acting captain. And he even hesitated before standing up.

"Not going to be a problem is it?" Jim asked.

"Not at all sir," Sulu said and stood up. "I've just never sat in the chair before."

Jim smiled. "You'll do fine Mr.Sulu," Jim assured, I offered a grin to Sulu who still looked hesitant.

"Jim wait! You just sat that man to a high stakes poker game with no cards and told him to bluff. Now Sulu is a good man but he is not captain, " Bones said while walking out of the bridge with us.

"Well, he will be for the next two hours and quit with the metaphors. That's an order, " Jim said.

Jim then ordered a list of other things such as a ship we confiscated the other month and for Spock and I to go change into arms dealer clothing.

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