12. Present

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12. Present

"This... This was a mistake, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you. I need to go." Callen blurted, releasing me.

"Stop! Callen! Don't walk away from me! We need to talk about this!" I fought the tears as I prepared my next words. "We need to talk about Noah!"

He paused in his steps so quickly I thought he was going to fall over. I knew that just saying his name was a trigger for him, it was like a blow to his chest, like the whole world was collapsing around him as memories and feelings took over in his brain. Because that's what was happening to me too.

"I can't." He whispered, turning around quickly. "Not today."

I wasn't about to let him go though. I knew we had so much we needed to resolve. If he went away now, we never would.

"When then?" I asked, my tears blending with the rain. "It's almost been a year Callen, we need to talk about this!"

He looked around him and that's when I noticed people had stopped to stare at our exchange. Right. We were in a public setting.


He gulped and he probably realized I wasn't about to go down without a fight. I was determined and as much as I knew how bad it would hurt, we needed to talk. There was no beating around the bush anymore. What was left of our couple was at stake and I wasn't ready to let it go. I wasn't ready to let him go.

"I'll call a cab, we can go to my place." He said.

I nodded wordlessly and prepared myself for what I knew would be the hardest conversation I would have to have with my husband in a long time.

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