2. Present

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2. Present

"Sky come on, let's not make this more difficult than it already is." He begged, pushing the papers towards me and clicking his pen.

I never thought I would get divorced. Not because I have always been a pretty girl or because I am so good in bed no man could ever leave me but just because it had never happened to somebody in my family before. My mom and dad were still as in love and corny as in their first days, my grandparents were fighting all the time but it was all in good heart and calling themselves "asshole" or "bitch" was their "baby" and "honey".

And now here I was, sitting across that big wooden table, pencil in hand, while my husband, the only man I had ever really loved, was waiting for me to sign papers unbinding us for the rest of our days.

All of the vows we had taken, all of the "I love you"s, all of the promises... Turned to nothing just by one signature. By the five letters of my last name, I was dissolving our entire life together.

"I'm sorry, could I just have a minute in private with my husband?" I asked the lawyers.

They turned to each other and nodded before getting up and closing the door behind them. Callen sighed again and let himself fall in the big chair across from me.

"Are we really doing this?" I whispered, passing my hand over the papers. "Are we really just... quitting?"

I wiped away a stray tear and took my composure back.

"It has been over for a while already Sky."

"Has it? Has it really?" I didn't even care if I made a fool of myself or humiliated myself at that point. "I still love you Cal. I've always loved you and I will never stop. I promised you that the day of our wedding and I meant it, I will never stop fighting for us because we are worth it."

I wiped another tear away and cleared my throat.

"We're Sky and Callen. We can overcome anything. Remember?"

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