4. Present

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4. Present

"Sky, why are you doing this? I thought we agreed. We had everything figured out, all that was missing was the stupid signatures to make it official, why are you rethinking this?" Callen sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Because once we sign these papers it's over Cal! It's done. We're done. We're..." My voice was drowned out by my tears. I was fighting for them to stay at bay but it wasn't an easy task. "I don't want us to be over."

I could see he was getting more impatient by the minute. He took another glance at his watch, the third one in the same minute and ran a hand through his hair again. He was stressed. He probably thought he would be done with this meeting in under thirty minutes. Maybe he had made plans with someone.

I felt sick to my stomach when I realized this someone could rightfully be a woman. By signing the paper, he was officially lawfully and morally allowed to see other people. To be over me. Over us.

"Cal, are you in love with someone else?" I whispered, my voice breaking.

Just saying the words made me feel dizzy. I felt like I was about to puke and cry for days at the possibility of him touching another woman, saying I love you to someone else, sharing private jokes with a woman who wasn't me.

He looked up into my eyes and I saw a thousand emotions go through his.

"Sky! No! No! Is it what this is about? You think... I cheated on you?" He got up from his chair to walk around the table towards me. "Sky look at me."

I wiped my tears and gathered all my courage to look up at him. It hurt me, it was like taking a blow to the chest because it was as if he was the old Callen, my Callen, the one I knew oh-so-well but he was another man at the same time, one I didn't recognize at all.

"Sky, I never loved anyone but you. I promise." He held up my chin and I flinched under his touch.

He hadn't touched me since he had pronounced those four fatal words. "I want a divorce". He hadn't taken my hand in his, hadn't hugged me to comfort me. He had been distant for months. Having his fingers on my skin again, even if it was just my chin, was like a fire had been ignited inside me.

"Please Callen, please let's just leave and think about this more? Please?" I whispered, taking his other hand, the one that wasn't now trailing towards my cheek, in mine.


Dedicated to @Faidsaad for being awesome and so supportive from the start! <3

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