Chapter 11

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I was frozen in place. What? I thought blankly. Both of them said...but...that's not possible!

Chanyeol and Luhan's heads whipped around, and they glared at each other. Kris ran his fingers through his hair. All of the other wolves watched; Baekhyun's jaw dropped.

Finally Chen said weakly, "Lucky Luna."

"You said that your mate was in the pack," Kris said. "Which one is it?" I just shook my head. I didn't know.

Amer said to wait for new moon, I signed. That my true mate would be revealed then.

"No way in hell," Luhan growled.

"Not at new moon," Chanyeol agreed. "You might get hurt."

Kris sighed. " are pack. If Chanyeol is your mate, you will stay with the pack and ascend to his rank. If Luhan is your mate, you can leave with him, or he can join you at the bottom." He glanced at the darkening sky outside. "New moon isn't far. You have at least a week."

I turned to the two wolves who declared themselves as my mate. Well, this is awkward.

Kai threw his arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry, Luna. At least you won't have to choose between the two."

Luhan glowered at Kai. "Unless you want to lose your arm, pup..." Kai simply stuck out his tongue. Since Luhan was abjured, his authority meant nothing.

"Remove your appendage from the female or become a three-limbed lupine. Your choice." Chanyeol's deep voice and commanding tone sounded different and powerful. Kai retracted his arm and mumbled an apology.

"Luna," Chen said, drawing my attention to him. "How do you feel about all this?"

I shrugged.

"Until new moon, nothing can be done," Suho said. "We'll have to wait. In the meantime, you three had best stay away from each other."

Chanyeol pouted slightly. "She helps me sleep."

"Use Baekhyun instead."

"Luna," Lay called me over. "Until new moon, you can chill with me and Chen."

"Or me," Sehun added.

Tao's eyes met mine. "These next few days are going to be...tense."

Tao was right. Chanyeol and Luhan completely ignored each other. I found it very difficult to be separate from tehm. After three days had gone by, I felt physically ill. My head hurt and I had severe stomach pains.

Kris knelt by me. "Luna, are you okay?" When I shook my head, he waved Lay over. The alpha's eyes met mine. "Are you sick? Let Lay help. Do whatever he tells you." Chanyeol and Luhan were watching out of the corners of their eyes.

My eyes widened as Lay sank his teeth into his arm, drawing blood. I immediately reached for my shirt to tear it into a strip. He stopped me. "No, Luna. You need this. I want you to swallow it bfore it stops."

The blood? I felt even sicker. He gently pressed the wound against my mouth. Without taking my eyes from his, I swallowed. Luhan moved forward, but Suho stopped him.

Luhan's eyes flashed. "She's human," he hissed. "How will she react to his blood? She could get worse!"

"She's already bad," Tao said. "Remember Amber? Lay's blood healed her."

"It gave her a fever," Luhan snapped.

Lay's arm healed, adn he pulled it away. I closed my eyes and licked my lips. His blood didn't taste like blood. I felt different. Better. Stronger.

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