Chapter 8

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All of the wolves shot to their feet. As more howls joined in with the first, the others sprinted into the trees, vanishing towards the sound. Luhan’s eyes flashed red.

“Stay here,” he growled. He turned and followed the others.

What—wait! I reached for him, but he was gone. What’s going on? Despite Luhan’s order to stay put, I stood up and ran after them. They left a clear trail to follow, and I could even hear them running on the dry leaves. Eight men were bound to make some noise.

I stopped when I heard a roar.

All twelve wolf-men were circling a huge bear. The bear’s eyes were wild, and it was foaming at the mouth. My eyes widened. A rabid bear! The huge beast stood up on its hind legs and pawed the air. Lay and Luhan barely jumped back in time.

I spotted an outcropping just above the bear’s head; the wolves were close to a rocky ravine. Thinking quickly, I made a wide run around all the wolves and climbed up to the outcropping. I grabbed a stone about the size of my fist and hurled it at the bear’s head.

When it struck the bear, he whirled around and snarled. His black, feral eyes locked on mine. He lunged towards me and bared his yellowed teeth; he began to climb. I threw another rock and moved to a higher outcropping.

Luhan spotted me. “Luna, no!” He bellowed. At the sound of his voice, the bear turned. I panicked and launched another rock, drawing its attention back to me. Deciding that one was easier prey than twelve, the bear followed me.

I was running out of climbing space. When the bear finally climbed up, I was cornered. Wild with madness, it roared and charged. I quickly danced out of the way, moving faster than I had ever moved before. The bear turned but slid into the hard wall of rock, slamming its ribs against the stone. I stepped back and almost fell into the thin ravine. When I looked down behind me, I saw jagged rocks and a narrow crevice. If I fell, I would be lucky to live.

The rabid bear charged again. I tried to dodge. Even as it was tumbling over the edge, it swiped at me and knocked me backwards. I sucked in a breath as we both fell. I let out a silent scream.

A pale hand shot out and snatched mine. I winced as the force nearly jerked my arm out of my socket. I hit the side of the ravine. I looked up and saw Luhan straining to hold on.

Chanyeol appeared at the edge, almost sliding over because he had arrived so quickly. He fell to his stomach and reached down. “Luna! Give me your hand!” When I reached up, the two pulled me back up to safety.

Luhan glared at me. “I told you to stay put! We could have handled it!”

Not without getting hurt, I signed. My hands were shaking from the near-death experience.

Chanyeol looked upset but relieved. “First you come to the den and offer yourself up to die, and now this. You must be completely thrilled by life-and-death situations.”

Thanks for getting here in time, I signed to both of them. Luhan translated for Chanyeol. I glanced over the edge. The bear was dead; its body had been crushed by the narrow gap and the force of the fall.

Kris and the other wolves waited for us. “That was stupid,” the alpha said.

I bit my lip. I know. We need to burn the body, though. One of you could get rabies. Luhan translated for them.

Kai laughed. “Remember when Xiumin got rabies?”

Lay blinked. “That was not fun.”

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