VIII. August 1st, 2010

Comincia dall'inizio

  “Very well,” he moved his hand to signal that she could go on.

 “Where are you from?”

 “Bradford, United Kingdom,” he smiled like a child during Christmas, the corners of his mouth going as near as they could to his ears.

 “Why are you talking to me?” when she said that, it came off as quite rude. She had forgotten how to speak like a typical teenage girl, only because she had been spending so much time with the Braddock’s. Her posh and famous parents couldn’t tolerate impolite language so she always had to act her best whilst they were around.

 “I dunno, I guess I was just lonely. I’m here with my family, but they just get annoying after a while,” Lacey listened carefully. The sun was milimeters away from setting. She turned to face it and so did the stranger.

 “Astonishing view, right?” she just nodded.

 “You don’t talk much, do you?” he was now ignoring the beautiful view full of colors. Even though they ranged from light maroon to sunflower yellow, his golden eyes were on Lacey.

 “I forgot to ask you, what’s your name?” as soon as he said that, Lacey’s conscience came into action. Should she tell a stranger her name? He already knew where she lived, surely he would find her if she told him her name.

 “I think that’s my information to keep,”

 “Then give me a nickname,”

 “Um,” she didn’t have a sufficient amount of friends for her to have a nickname. Her brothers and sisters only called her by her first name, all of them except Theo. He called her ‘dummy,’ but what sort of nickname was that? She had to come up with her own.

 “I guess you would call me..” she had to think of something creative, “Call me ‘world wanderer,’” that sounded ‘cool’ to her ears. She did like to travel and go to unimaginable places. Lacey had been to all seven continents, she had just checked off Antarctica last Christmas.

 “Why such a peculiar name, world wanderer?” the boy seemed intrigued by her.

 “I like to travel, I’ve been to all seven continents,” Lacey flaunted about her travels. She never liked to brag about her parents’ money, but now it seemed like a good time.

 “Impressive, I’ve only been to four. Well, now it’s five. Antarctica and South America can wait,” with nothing to say, Lacey just nodded again.

 “So, world wanderer, what brings you to Fiji?”

 “What do you think? I just need some relaxation,”

 “Have you been here before?”

 “More than enough times, my parents are regular customers here,” this was her fourth time of visiting Fiji. She was only six years old when she first arrived, now she was seventeen.

 “Ah, upscale individual, I should’ve guessed,” this stranger had been more rude in the last ten minutes than all the boys she had ever encountered in her life.

 “What’s that supposed to mean?”

 “You’re wearing Urban Outfitters’ shorts,  no one wears those unless they have an extensive amount of money. Your family is a regular here, this is one of the most expensive hotels in the world. You’ve been to all seven continents, most people can’t afford a train ticket to get to their loved ones.” that was harsh. This was why she didn’t like to brag, people would yell at her that there are others who need money. She knew it too, she tried to help charities and volunteer as much as possible, but everyone who didn’t know her thought she was a stuck up, snobby daughter that the Braddocks raised.

 She had to leave him, his words were too much for her. Why would he just start attacking her—

 “I have to go now,” he started to get up. Finally, she thought.

 “You know, that drink I ordered never came. I guess I owe you one,” she nodded for the twentieth time, she didn’t care about him or his drink anymore, he hurt her.

 “See ya,” he waved his hand a little to signal goodbye. The sky was now darker than ever. She hadn’t even noticed the time, it was now 18:54. The stranger had left, and she was now all alone. Lacey didn't want to read anymore, all she needed now was sleep. She would sleep all night and not think about the stranger once.

 She had enough for one day, she gathered her things and started to get up. With a handful of books in her hand, she walked into the hotel. The sky was a navy blue with hints of violet in it. That was not the perfect ending to a perfect day. Now closing the door of her suite, Lacey sighed. She wasn’t feeling well, her head ached and her body couldn’t hold itself up. With her regular clothes still on, she fell onto the bed and let her dreams take her in a delightful adventure.


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