"If you think I'm lying, I'm not." Leif growled, breaking Hiccups concentration. " She is there, and she wants to meet you. Ill take you there myself." he offered.

"How stupid do you think we are?" Fishlegs stepped closer his face crushed with irritation.

"No he's right." Hiccup said to Fish's Surprise. "He will take us there." He folded his arms. "Have you ever met a night fury?" Leif gulped.

. . .

"Ahhhhhhh ha ahhhhhhh!" Leif's shrieking hadn't ceased since they took off from the boat. Toothless bent his head low to look at the screaming Viking pinched between his giant claws. Apparently he didn't take well to heights. Hiccup could've enjoyed it had they not been headed into a trap, or death, or both.

" I hope you have a plan!" Fishlegs nervously squirmed in his saddle. "We're not actually going to "talk" to her are we?"

"Oh we are." He nodded. "Then we're chaining her to meatlug and dragging her back to Berk to face viking trial." Anticipation of catching this monster, gave a rush of anticipation to them both. The dragons must have had the same feeling because their speed started increasing.   

It was twilight by the time they reached outcast island. He knew this place well, he'd been stranded there once before. Expanding his spy glass he searched for any signs of large ships, or a fully navy, something that screamed "trap" but there was nothing. Leaning over the side of toothless he looked at Leif was green and moaning at this point. 

"Did you say the west side?" 

"yes." he wheezed. 

"Fishelgs!" He called. "Circle the island to the right, I'll take the left. We need to make sure this isn't a trap!" With that the two split off in separate directions.

As hiccup maneuvered around the barren Island, he couldn't help but wonder, (if she was really there) why she would choose this place? It was so, empty, dark, and even a little creepy. As far as tricks went, he didn't see any, still he was on guard, 

Thats when he saw the small Viking Boat anchored in the water on the west side, just where Leif said she'd be. 

"Look-" Leif nearly vomited. "There it is." 

"I see it." Toothless circled around it a few times, eyeing the men on board who were gaping at the dragon and his rider, as if he was giving them a show of his black scales and large wings. When they lowered near the water, toothless released Leif from his claws sending him straight into the water. 

The massive dragon landed heavily on deck. Hiccup was expecting armed men experienced in dragon trapping, but instead he found fishers and sailors, who looked like they were going to pee their pants. they all stopped, one even dropped the mop he was holding, his face frozen in fear. It must have been intimidating seeing a dragon that large, teeth bared and snarling at every one of them. Looking at them like he could and would kill them if they even moved.  

"Where is Victoria Auber?!" He demanded. Everyone stood still not moving. Toothless continued to growl, his spikes beginning to light up blue. "Tell me, and toothless here,  won't eat you all alive." He bluffed. Internally he couldn't help but chuckle, they were completely falling for it. 

 Synchronistically, they all pointed towards the beach not to far away. Once he gave it a good look, he noticed an abandoned fishing boat grounded in the sand. He tugged on the saddle leaving the gullible fishermen behind. 

The sun had just barely disappeared when they arrived. He didn't see anyone at first when he landed, dismounting toothless. Hiccup was in a hurry to get it over with. The beach was completely surrounded by steep cliffs, no shrubs or trees to be found, it was a completely open space. Where is she?

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