Chapter 21

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*Niall's POV*

The next two weeks were complete hell for me. Harry was having the time of his life with my girlfriend. They were always together and Julia was never home anymore. I hated Harry but I would probably do the same thing if Julia left me and then I got a chance to start things over.

It really made me angry how he would rub it in my face. Always talking about her and shit. She was mine and he knew that. Yet he continued to tease me by bringing her to our meetings and picking her up from our apartment.

Julia still did things with me seeing as we lived together but it was nothing compared to her and Harry. I needed her more than anything but I couldn't have her because I'm such a shit driver.

"Hey Jules do you want to help me pick out a gift for Louis? Then maybe we coud get lunch or something," I asked her hoping she didn't already have plans with Harry.

"Yeah sure," she said. I let out a breath of relief.

"Are you ready now?" I asked.

"Yes, let's go," she said grabbing her purse from the counter.

"Okay," I said getting my keys and holding the door open for her.

"Why don't we talk that much anymore?" she asked me. I wanted to laugh, or cry, but I didn't do either.

"Your with Harry all the time. I barely even see you anymore," I said. It was taking everything in me not to tell her about what really happened in California.

"Oh. You should hang out with us," she said. Was she mad? I know she didn't remember us but I know she remembered me telling her that I have feelings for her.

"I can't," I told her.

"Why not?" she questioned. I felt like she was just trying to make me say that I loved her.

"You know why. I still love you," I said. I didn't mean to say that I loved her but it came out anyways and I knew that I made her really uncomfortable. "Are you going to Louis's party?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Yes. I need to get him something too," she said.

"Waiting til the last minute? So unlike you," I said in mock horror.

"Oh hush, I've been busy," Julia laughed. I didn't want to think of what she meant by "busy." Although I tried my hardest not to think of it the only thing that played in my mind were pictures of Harry touching Julia and kissing her and doing all the things that we used to do .

"Are you okay?" she asked. I didn't notice that I had a death grip on the steering wheel.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine," I lied. I wanted to tell her so badly.

I pulled up to the nearest mall and found a parking space close by.

"Where do you want to go first?" I asked her.

"I don't know. What does Louis like?" she asked.

"Let's just walk around," i suggested. Julia just nodded in agreement.

As we were walking around the mall I had the urge to hold her hand and I knew she wouldn't mind if I did but it was for the best that I didn't.

We ended up buying Lou a pair of red pants and a stripped shirt as a joke seeing as that was the only thing he used to wear. I also bought him a jacket that said "The Rouge" on the back. It would go perfectly with his tattoo, at least that's what Julia said.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked her once we got back into the car.

"Let's just go home and order a pizza," she said.

"Sounds good to me," I said pulling out of the parking lot and making my way home.

I ordered the pizza and sat on the couch next to Julia. She was texting and by the look on her face I could tell she was texting Harry. It made me sick to my stomach and I wondered if she knew that it killed me everytime I saw her do things with him that she should be doing with me.

I wondered if Harry was one of those guys that she's just dating to make me jealous like she said she used to do. How would she feel now if I got a girlfriend? Would she still care?

"I'm going upstairs," I told her. Julia just nodded not even bothering to look up from her phone. That really bothered me.

As soon as I got upstairs I called my friend Bella. She was a model that I met at the movie premere for This Is Us. She would definitely make Julia jealous

"Hello?" she asked answering the phone.

"Hey Bella. Louis is throwing a party today. Do you want to come with me?" I asked. As soon as I did I felt bad for using her.

"Yeah, I'd love to. When?" Bella questioned.

"I'll pick you up at six," I said.

"Okay," she said. Once everything was settled for tonight. I went back downstairs and right on time because as soon as my foot hit the bottom step, the doorbell rang telling me that the pizza was here.

[Sorry this is a short chapter. I'll try to update soon. Happy Holidays! Thanks for reading, I love you all]

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