Chapter 9

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"How is he?" Zayn, Louis, and Liam asked at the same time.

"He says he's okay but his chest hurts when he breathes," I reported. The boys just nodded. "Niall, can I talk to you for a  minute? Alone?" I asked almost whispering.

"Yeah sure," he said. Niall followed me to a quiet corner. "So what do you--" he started to say but I kissed him before he could finish.

"What did you just feel?" I asked.

"When you kissed me?" he asked. I nodded my head and waited for his response. "When you we kiss I can't think straight. I feel like I did the very first time I met you, like I need you," he said. I hugged him so tightly. He said exactly what I needed to hear.

"I have to go talk to Harry," I said letting him go. I made my way down the hospital corridor thinking of what I would say to Harry.

"Why did you leave?" Harry questioned when I walked back in.

"I let the other boys know that you're okay," I half lied.

"Oh," he said. "So about what I said before you left," he said.

"Harry I need time to think about that. I can't make a decision when I'm looking at you here in the hospital," I lied not wanting to hurt his feelings. Niall and I loved each other and that was that.

"Okay," he said although I could tell he wasn't very convinced.

"Are you ready to talk to someone other than me?" I asked.

"Well honestly I could just lay here and talk to you all day but yes, I'm ready to talk to other people," Harry said.

"Okay, I'll send someone in," I said. I left Harry's hospital room for the second time. "He's ready to talk to you guys," I told the boys. Louis, Liam, and Zayn all went in but Niall stayed with me.

"What did he say?" Niall asked.

"Well, he apologized and begged me to take him back," I said.

"So did you?" he inquired.

"No, I told him I needed time to think about it. He looked so desperate, I couldn't tell him no," I said.

"You were going to say no? I thought you wanted him back," Niall said.

"I know I did but I love you. I love him too and I want him in my life but I need you," I explained.

"I need you too, Julia" he said coming in close for a kiss. I put my hands up to stop him.

"Niall, I meant what I said about waiting until Harry gets better," I said

"But what about everything that happened after you said that?" he asked.

"You're right," I sighed. "I don't want to wait but for Harry's sake, lets not tell anyone," I told him.

"Okay, I can keep a secret," he winked, making me smile.

"Niall, Harry would like to speak with you," Liam said emerging from the hospital room.

"Me?"  Niall asked, obviously surprised. Liam just nodded and took Niall's seat next to me.

"So are you and Niall dating now?" asked Zayn when Niall was gone.

"No, why would you think that?" I asked wondering if we were that obvious.

"Well you two are always together, I just assumed," he said.

"Oh, well we live together and we're best friends. We have been since 3rd grade," I said.

"Oh, I get it now," Zayn said.

"Get what?" I questioned.

"The way he looks at you. I can tell you're very special to him. He's also really protective over you," Zayn explained. I blushed. I never noticed that Niall looked at me any special way.

"Oh,'' was all I could say.

"I think he likes you, I can see why you're very pretty," he said.

"Thank you," I blushed again. I didn't understand why all my life guys rarely took interest in me and now boys seemed to be lining up to compliment me.

I sat in silence as I waited for Niall to come out. The doctor came.

"Just so you know, Harry is well enough to go home," said his doctor.

"Thank you so much," I said.

"No problem, after all, it's my job. Thank you for getting him to speak," she said.

Soon after with spoke with the doctor Niall came out.

"Are you ready to go home?" Niall asked me.

"Is Harry coming?" I asked.

"Don't worry about Harry, he's coming home with me. I'll take care of him," Zayn said.

"Okay, I'm gonna go talk to him one more time," I told the boys.

"Back already?" Harry joked as he stood up.

"Yeah, I just wanted to tell you that Niall and I are going home. You're leaving with Zayn. I'll be over first thing tomorrow morning to check on you," I informed him

"You're still going to check on me? Even after evrything that's happened between us?" Harry asked.

"Yes, of course," I said. I gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Bye Harry." 

"Bye, Julia," he whispered.

"Let's go Niall," I said as I exited Harry's hospital room for the last time.

"Alright. Bye guys," he said.

"Bye Niall," they all said together in perfect british accents.

[Yoooooo. I don't really know what to say excet please comment so I can talk to you guys!! Sorry I took a while to update. Thursday made three years since my best friend died so I wasn't really in a writing mood. Sorry for typos I don't really have time to fix them right now so I'll fix them later. Thanks for reading I love you all.]

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