Chapter 10

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This chapter contains some sexual content. 

"So are you still up for that movie?" I asked Niall when we were home.

"No," he said. "I have a better idea." Niall's lips instantly connected with mine. "We should go back to where we left off," he said pulling his shirt off. All I could do was nod my head.

"Okay," I finally let out. I ran my hands up and down his torso.

"Good," he smirked. "Let's get started." Niall crashed his lips onto mine and pushed his hands up my shirt. His large hands sent shivers through my body.

Niall carried me up the stairs to his room and then he continued to undress us both.

"Are you ready?" Niall asked after he'd slipped on a condom and we were ready to go.

"Well if I'm being completely honest, I'm terrified right now," I said.

"Haven't you done this before?" he asked. I shook my head. I had waited my whole life for this and I couldn't imagine being with anyone but Niall. Niall let out a breath of relief. "Well then that makes two of us. We'll get through it together," he said.

Niall pushed into me. It hurt like hell. I winced and squealed in pain.

"Do you want me to stop baby?" he asked very concerned.

"No, keep going," I said. It hurt terribly but then pain turned into pleasure. Niall kissed me as we both reached our climax for the first time in our lives.

"So how was that for your first time?" he questioned.

"Amazing," I said.

"Good to know the feeling is mutual," he said giving me a kiss on the forehead. "Come on, let's go to sleep," Niall pulled the cover over us and he wrapped his arms around me.


When I woke the next morning Niall was still sleeping. I quietly got out of bed and took a shower.

Once I was dressed and in the kitchen eating breakfast, Niall joined me. He was wearing noting but underwear.

"Going somewhere?" he asked yawning.

"Uh, yes, I'm umm, I'm going to ,uh," I fumbled again.

"Do you get nervous when I'm shirtless?' Niall joked flexing his muscles.

"Of course not," I lied looking away. "I'm going to see Harry."

"Oh," he said. He seemed dispointed.

"I'll be back soon," I said hoping he would just let it go.

"Okay be ready for the best day ever," he said.

I raised an eyebrow but I didn't question him. "Well then I'll come back even sooner," I said batting my eyelashes and kissing him on the cheek before I left.


"Hey Harry, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm feeling a bit better," he replied. "You still have it?" he asked as his eyes widened. I gave him a puzzled look.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"The necklace that I gave you," he said. Harry smiled but then he winced as the pain caught up with him. I felt so terrible that I couldn't even see him smile without watching him in pain.

"Well to be honest I never took it off. Do you want it back?" I asked reaching for it.

"No, no, it looks good on you. Keep it," he said as he took my hands in his. "Forever," he added.

"Forever," I agreed looking into his sparkling emerald eyes. He seemed so happy. "So what hurts?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Almost everything. My body is really sore, my chest still hurts my stomach is bruised, and my legs are weak. But my nose hurts the most," Harry explained.

"Didn't they give you something to stop the pain?" I asked, very angry with the hospital for just leaving him with nothing.

"No, I don't really need it. I'll be better in a few days. Besides considering what I did to you, I deserve to feel this way. I'm lucky Niall didn't burn me alive," he said.

"Stop Harry. You're amazing and I know you didn't mean to hit me. I'm fine now and I forgave you. Now you need to forgive yourself. I feel like this is my fault because I broke up with you in the worst possible way," I tried to comfort him but he seemed outraged.

"How could you even think for a secong that any of this is your fault?" You didn't make me drink I did that on my own," he said continuing to blame himself for our current situation.

"Okay that may be true, so let's just say for now thta it's no one's fault. I mean everything happens for a reason, right?" I said. Harry nodded and I could see that he was really processing what I said. "I have to leave now," I told him.

"When will you be back?" Harry questioned.

"I don't know but I'll text you later," I told him.

"Okay, bye love," he called out to me as I made my way to the door.

"Bye Harry," I said to him.


"Niall, I'm home," I shouted as I walked through the door.

"Okay I'll be down in a minute," he said.

"I made a sandwitch as I waited for Niall. I heard him come into the kitchen but he didn't say anything. I felt his muscular arms wrap around my waist from behind and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Is that for me?" he asked. I giggled.

"In your dreams, Horan," I said.

"How about half?" he said biting his bottom lip.

"I don't know, remember that one time in 6th grade when I forgot my lunch and you wouldn't share any of yours with me?" I asked turning around so we were now face to face.

"No," he lied.

"Whatever, this is payback," I said taking a bite.

"Please?" he asked pouting. He knew there was no way in the world I could ever deny his pouty face.

"Fine just stop doing that," I mumbled ripping off a piece.

"Thank you," he smirked.

"Oh shut up," I said walking past him to sit at the table. Niall followed and sat in the seat across from me "So what are we doing today? And you better not say it's a surprise because you know how much I hate that," I warned him.

"Yeah, I know. I don't really know what we're doing, I was hoping you didn't ask so I could just wing it," he said.

"How romantic," I murmered

"I'm kidding. Why do you always need to know?" he asked.

"Because my first date was a surprise, you remember how that went," I said.

"Oh yeah," he laughed.

"It wasn't funny then, and it still isn't funny now," I said remembering my first date with Connor Brynt. He took me out for mexican food and then he took me to an amusement park. He blind folded me and when the blind fold came off we were sitting on the top of the ferris wheel. Seeing as I was terrified of heights, I threw up all over him.

"Well I know you enought to surprise you with something you'll like. Don't you trust me?" he asked. His vibrant blue eyes sparkled like the ocean in the Carribean

"Of course I do," I said. 

"Then let me surprise you," he said coving my hand with his.

"Okay but if I throw up it will be on you. Literally," I joked. Well he thought I was joking.

"Deal," he said. "We're leaving in two hours so get ready," Niall informed me.

[Hello! Thanks for all the reads and votes! They mean a lot!! I can't believe I have over 20 votes!! Thanks for reading, I love you all!!]

Loved You FirstOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora