Chapter 20

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"So what do you want to do first princess?" Niall asked after we'd gotten breakfast. We woke up about 10:30 and it was now 11:15.

"Well, speaking of princess, maybe we should go to Disneyland first," I said batting my eyelashes. Niall gave me a look as if to say 'Why did I even ask?' 

"Of course," he said. I let out a squeal of joy and ran to the bathroom to get ready for one of the best days of my life. I put on some sunscreen and just a bit of make up and I searched my suitcase for my Mickey Mouse sweater. When I found it I threw it on along with some skinny jeans and went to work on my hair.

When I was finally done Niall was waiting for me on the bed. I didn't know how long I took to get ready but it was long enough for Niall to look like he was about to fall asleep.

"You're ready?" Niall asked when I came out of the bathroom.

"Yeah," I said grabbing my purse.

"Great let's go the," Niall said standing up.

I was so excited. I could hardly breathe.

"Chill babe," Niall said. I nodded and continued to freak out internally.

"I'm trying but I'm way too excited," I said. I felt like a child. I was a child on the inside but if anyone else knew why I was so excited they would think I'm crazy.

"I know. I'll try to get there quickly for my princess," Niall said.

"Thank you," I said getting into the car. It was still weird sitting on the right side of the car when I wasn't driving.

On our way to the happiest place on Earth, I looked around at the beautiful California scenery. Well, most of it was beautiful. Some of it looked old and gross like there was some sort of flood that happened and no one felt the need to give the place a paint job.

I tried to sit still in my seat when we came to a stop light. When I turned to my right side, I saw a large truck comming in fast. I decided to ignore it since the light was still red and it wasn't going to come into contact with us. 

The truck's traffic light turned yellow and it didn't slow down. When our light finially turned green I tried to warn Niall not to go but I couldn't get the words out in time and as the truck came into contact with us, everything turned black.


*Niall's POV*

I sat in the hospital room next to Julia with my head in my hands. How the fuck didn't I see that truck? I hurt her. Her injuries weren't too bad but since she was on the right side of the car she got the worst of it. I just had some bruises and the doctors patched me up and told me I'd be fine. Everyone flew out here to make sure that we were both okay.

Julia had been unconcious for a whole twenty-seven hours in counting. Every second she lay in that bed with her eyes closed and her breathing slowed gave me fear that she wasn't going to make it. She had to. I needed her. I let another tear fall from my eye as I grabbed her hand and spoke to her.

"Julia, please wake up. I need you to be okay. Please wake up," I said. As if God was answering my prayers, Julia's eyes weakly fluttered open and she tried to sit up in her bed but she winced and layed back down.

"Niall?" she whispered. My heart began to race and I wiped the tears from my eyes as her hand tightened around mine.

"Julia, how do you feel love?" I asked her. Please be okay, please be okay.

"My head hurts," she said. I let out a small chuckle. Not because anything was funny but because I needed to release some of the stress her unconcious state brought to me.

"But you'll be okay, right?" I asked. Please say yes, please say yes.

"Yeah I'll be okay. Where's Harry?" she asked. Why the fuck did she want Harry? Of all of the fucking people for her to ask for, why did it have to be Harry?

"He's outside but-" she didn't let me finished before she continued.

"Can I see him?" Julia asked. 

"Uhhh yeah I guess so," I said. I couldn't show her how hurt I was that she wanted to be with Harry.

When I walked outside I was stopped by the doctor. he told everyone to gather around because he had something to tell us about Julia.

"As you all know she's very fragile right now and she may not remember some things. Whatever she does remember just play it off as if that's all that has happened since the accident. Trying to persuade her otherwise may cause mental damage," he said.

Did she remember us? She had to. There was now way she could forget. She sure as hell remebered Harry. 

When the doctor was finished talking to us he went in to speak with Julia for a moment. When he came out he said that she asked to speak to Harry. Harry seemed about as confused as I was.

When Harry went in I went in after but I stayed by the door so Julia couldn't see me.

"Hey," Harry said awkwardly. He probably wasn't expecting her to call for him directly

"Hey," she repeated.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked.

"I'm okay. Are you alright?" she asked. What?

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" he asked.

"Well the doctor said that I was in a car accident with my boyfriend so I wanted to see if you were okay," she replied. My eyes widened in absolute horror as realiztion took over me. She didn't remember. How could she not remember. I felt my heart drop through all 16 floors of this hospital as blood rushed to my head making me dizzy.

"Oh, I'm okay. You got it a lot worse than I did because of the side of the car you were on," Harry explained to her. I had half a mind to walk over and punch him in is fucking face until I remembered what her doctor said about playing off her memories. This was what was best for her.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Harry asked.

"You driving me home after you took me on our first date," she said after thinking for a while. I wanted to die. Why couldn't she have remembered just an hour after that. After we kissed. Maybe even after she broke up with Harry. Why did that have to be her last fucking memory? "So what happened?" she asked him.

"I wasn't watching the roads carefully and we got hit by a truck," he lied. I seriously wanted to hurt him. But I couldn't. This was the way it had to be. The only thing refraining me from going in there and telling her everything was the slight hope that maybe her memories of us would come back.

[I'll bet you were not expecting that. Comment and tell me what you think. Should this be Harry's second chance or should Julia go back to Niall? I need help!! Thanks for reading, I love you all]

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