Chapter 14

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Fawn soared over the neighboring apartment building next to Lissa's. Lissa pointed to her building "Take us down behind that one!" Fawn slightly folded in her wings and we began to drop down towards the ground. When we landed I jumped out of Lissa's arms and stretched "I need to stay a cat don't I?" "Yeah. My dad is home, he gets off work early on Sundays." Lissa replied. "It's Sunday?" Fawn asked. "Yep." Lissa said. "Wow this week flew by. Wait, do you have a tv?" Fawn asked suddenly. "Uh, yeah....why?" Lissa asked. "Scooby Doo comes on at 5:30...." Fawn mumbled. I laughed "I can't believe I just heard you say that!" Fawn blushed "What, you know I like that show!" She narrowed her eyes at me "At least I don't watch Bubble Guppies." My irritation got the best of me, I ran over and scratched Fawn's leg "Ow!" Fawn exclaimed "Why you little-" "Why in the world do you watch Bubble Guppies, that show's for three year olds." Lissa said. "The characters are fish, ok!" I said. Lissa and Fawn died of laughter, by this time I was blushing (I guess cats can blush) "It's because I'm part cat; cats love fish, so that's why I watch it, alright! I just can't help it, it's my genes that make me watch it!" To keep from embarrassing myself anymore, I jumped into the fire escape and stormed up the stairs.

"Such a drama queen." Fawn said. "I guess so." Lissa replied. "So would it be ok if I watched Scooby Doo at your place?" Fawn asked. Lissa laughed "Yeah, sure." The two of them then walked around to the front entrance and went to Lissa's apartment.

Lights, Cameron, FusionWhere stories live. Discover now