Painfully Healing Treatment

Start from the beginning

'No!' They were in danger. They were separated. And strangely, in turn, I was separated. I wanted to be there more than ever and I was taken away. The cold was gone, along with the vision. It was completely infuriating.

My grip on Hal's jacket tightened, trying so hard to convince myself that this vision wasn't real yet I knew it was. This knowledge making me even more so desired to go to them.

Suddenly, I heard the all too familiar hum of the Zeta tube igniting in life. The bright yellow light of its use filling the Cave. Hal restricted my sight from the tube with his figure practically consuming me. Gods, how I had hoped it was my team. However, with the vision still freshly burned into my mind, my hopes were quickly disappointed.

"What is going on here?" As if I couldn't have gotten colder than I was, my blood ran like the waters of antarctica at the sound of that voice. I could only ask myself why she would be here.

"Mera!" Hal's body turned us towards the new arrival. His tone so full of relief. "Thank god. She just went blazing hot to piercing cold in less than 5 seconds." His hands still tried to keep me part of the warm blooded species even though it was no longer needed.

The Queen of Atlantis rushed towards us with heavy steps. Hal slowly moved back. Far enough for Her Majesty to evaluate me. She placed a hand on my cheek, a questionable look expressing on her face. "How unusual, though I don't deny you're explanation, she feels normal under my touch."

I stood with slight irritation as Hal was next to test her fact and exhibited a shocked expression as well. "Thats not normal. Even for you." No shit. Unless theres some magical place on Earth where volcanos and ice caps meet, thats not natural for any person.

With an eye roll towards Hal, I looked back up to the red haired Queen of the seas. "Mera? Why are you here?" By now I could feel the cave's temperature escalate as Hal had commanded. Although it was no longer necessary.

Mera reached for dip between my neck and my chin, her fingers pressing lightly on the pulse that emanated there. As she counted in her head, she spoke once again. "Orin told me of your exposure to Jellyfish poison. I meant no disrespect towards Black Canary but with more experience to the subject, I had come to help wth your condition."

I could see it in her eyes. A small amount of guilt that was glistening. No doubt from our time together and her disregard to getting me immune to the toxin. I grab her hand from my neck, pulling it back lightly with a reassuring smile. "I'm fine now."

From off to the side, I hear my father smugly mutter, "You weren't ten seconds ago."

My neck nearly snaps at how fast I look at Hal with a '6FootUnder' glare. "Shuddup, Hal!" His lips part to retaliate but are silenced by Mera tugging me back to her hues.

"Astral," She firmly speaks. "While the effects of Jellyfish toxin are extreme to those first exposed to it but if you are hit with another dose too soon after you're recovery. You. Will. Die." Why does my death always somehow come up? Wait,....Thats right, I tend to put myself in that situation.

Her grip tightens a bit on me as she speaks these words. The responsibility of such an event hurting her deeply even though it would most likely be my fault.

The likelihood of Cheshire hitting me again with poison would be low as she probably doesn't expect me to have survive such a high injection. And due to the fact that I am alive, when we meet again, she'll know I actually have grown some sort of immunity to it. So, again, I try to console the Queen. "Mera, I highly doubt-"

Grew up with Green. To love Aqua. (A YJ fanfic/ Kaldur: Aqualad Love story.)Where stories live. Discover now