How could he

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When I saw lia in the hall of the hospital following the doctor and the boy he was pushing to a surgery room she looked at me and just said nothing.

I brushed it off and kissed Larry's forehead while grabbing his hand I noticed the news was on so watched to realize that Artist was on the TV.

   What the news said

Young 21 year old male by the name of Artist was trying get away from the police until the black jeep somehow got out of control and flipped over two times the police are still trying to figure out why he was speeding. In the jeep there were 6 other males packed inside the vehicle. The other six men did not get as hurt as Artist but they still had damage name is Debra Williams and we will get back with further details.

"Artist was the one lia was so distracted with" I said not noticing I was thinking out loud.

I pulled out my phone to call lia but noticed she was already in the doorway.

"Oh hey, how's Artist" I asked sarcastically rolling my eyes.

" Laurent don't be like that" lia said making her way towards me trying to get to Larry.

"Don't touch my brother" I said trying to block Larry.


"You got Artist to shoot him" I said starting to stand up.

"No I di-

"Don't fucking lie Lia,I'm not in the mood for your Lie's" I interrupted.

"Who are you talking to?" she asked crossing her arm and getting an attitude.

I ignored her attitude and dug in my pocket and grabbed Larry and I house key and threw it at her.

"Get your shit from out my house!"

"I have nowhere to st-

"Stay at Artist dope house" I laughed.

"Please laurent" she said begging for me to say yes.

"No,oh and don't steal nothing from out of my house" I smirked not caring about the tears falling down her eyes.

She was almost out the door until she stopped and said

"Just know you're so called best brother and other half was the one trying to get with me behind your back but I guess that's the person you wanna fight for." She then walked out smiling and leaving me looking stupid and confused.

My brother wanted Lia?? I tried to hold back the tears from all the emotions and thoughts going through my head.

Everything is going on in my life that I just want my life to end...

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