Ford Is Curious

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Hello it is me again with this story hopefully you liked the first part but this part will be longer (hopefully). Any boy you want Fem!Dipper to be romantically involved just put it in the comments. Hope you enjoy this crap story!

Dipper had just woke up when she decided to go for a walk in town. She was just minding her own business when she saw Dungeons, Dungeons, And More Dungeons in a shop window and decided to get it even though no one would play with her. When Dipper got back to the mystery shack she asked: Mabel, Gruncle Stan, Soos, and Wendy and none of them would play the "nerd game" with her, so she decided she would play with herself outside like the loner she was. While she way drawing her dungeon she accidentally bumped her die under the deck which led to the basement, so she decided to go into the basement to fetch it.

Dipper went behind the vending machine and down the elevator into the basement, and while she was in the process of bending over Ford asked very loudly what she was doing in the basement. Ford's statement startled her so much she landed on her but, so she picked up her die and held it up saying that it rolled into the basement from under the deck. Ford's eyes lit up like headlights on a dark road.
" Is that a 38 sided die from Dungeons, Dungeons And More Dungeons " exclaimed Ford excitedly,
"Yeah it is but everyone else in the shack said it was a boring and wouldn't be caught dead playing it" Dipper explained mournfully.
"I want to play with you" Ford stated happily.
"Really!" Dipper shouted excitedly.
"No one would play with me when I was young so I will play with you" Ford said with mirth in his voice.
Dipper got to setting up the game right away while Ford made comments on how the game used to look like. After a while they were so immersed in the game they barely remembered that they moved into the living room because of the lack of space in the basement. While they were playing Ford showed Dipper his infinity sided die said to be used only in emergencies. All of a sudden that heard quacking in the doorway and everyone stopped.
"What are you doing out of the basement Ford" Gruncle Stan grunted.
" I am playing a game with dipper and we ran out of space in the basement" Ford sheepishly explained.
"Well we want to watch the season finale of ducktective!" Mabel shouted very enthusiastically.
"But Mabel you can either watch a rerun of it or watch it at Grenda's house" Dipper said gesturing to Grenda who was standing beside Gruncle Stan.
Dipper could tell Mabel was already cracking. Dipper never had many friends other than Mabel because she was different from everyone else so playing a game with Ford instead of reading her journal or walking the forest with Mabel was a HUGE improvement. Mabel was about to say something when Gruncle Stan tackled Ford out of nowhere and the infinity sided die went flying out of its black, protective casing and landed on a symbol Dipper didn't recognize then all of a sudden Probabilitor and his minions pop out of the game. Probabilitor started yelling about how he was free when he suddenly told his minions to grab Dipper and Ford. Dipper wasn't physically strong enough to fight off the minions and it looked like Ford wasn't either. The minions took off toward an empty field in the forest. Dipper couldn't do anything if she managed to take out the flying minion she would fall to the ground and severely injure herself so she had to wait until they were on the ground.
As soon as they landed they were tied up. Ford kept struggling but Dipper knew it was useless the rope was a special kind of rope from the game that was nearly indestructible unless you rolled a 5 or a 19 and she couldn't roll a die when she was tied up. Ford started to shout at them like it was going to help anybody, but I knew he wasn't going to let us go when he said he wanted to eat our brains like I swear this dude part zombie.
"Should I eat the girls brain first or the old mans" Probabilitor asked his minions.
"Dipper I think he thinks you are a girl" Ford chuckled.
"Yup he must have thought I was a girl because I have no muscle" Dipper stated getting worried
"Probably" Ford grunted.
While they were chatting they didn't notice the sound of Grenda taking down a guard a little ways away, but Probabilitor heard it and was confused. Dipper noticed the confused look on Probabilitor's face and wondered what he could be thinking about. Maybe he was going to blow her cover. She worked so long on perfecting her boy persona she wasn't sure on what she was actually like anymore. Dipper wasn't like Mabel but she wasn't her boy persona either so what is she. Was she cold, happy, serious, silly, or confident she didn't know but what she did know is that she couldn't be herself until she moved out. Dipper was startled out of her train of thought when Mabel, Gruncle Stan, and Grenda burst through the trees yelling. She was tempted to face palm but she couldn't due to the ropes. Gruncle Stan and Probabilitor started to shout at each other until they came up with the solution to to play a round of the game and whoever won got Ford and Dipper.
They were about to start the game when Probabilitor announced that they were using Dipper and Ford as their characters. Probabilitor's minions were winning until Mabel and Gruncle Stan started shouting out weird offensive techniques like Flame Sword. After the Pines won Probabilitor disappeared leaving all of the Pines tired and wanting to go home. When they got back to the shack they all watched Ducktective then went to bed although Dipper couldn't fall asleep because she was thinking of Probabilitor almost blowing her cover. That was close.

Thank you all for reading!! Hope you enjoyed and have a nice day!!

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