The Seagull Returns

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The following day the light out to sea revealed itself and grew from a small speck on the horizon into a strange shaped ship set on course for Straven.
The first night was always short, less than an hourglass. The following day the fishing boat always stayed home. The community celebrated the coming of winter by starting preparations for the dark time, even though it was still several moons off.
I spent my day checking cheese and skyr barrels in the barn and bringing out the empty casks for cleaning and refilling. Noren was in the smokehouse checking the fish. Soon the early catches would be packed in barrels and sent to market. The money they brought would bring dried foods, iron work and other essentials that Straven was too small to provide for itself.

It was when we broke for lunch that Arne identifed the strange vessel.
'By the Gods, I haven't seen a rig like that before!' Arne said, nodding seawards.
'Where?' said Old Bjorn.
'Out South East of Brevik in the open water.' Arne indicated the direction with his arm.
'Aye. That's a strange one, alright.' said Old Bjorn.
Many eyes swivelled to pick up the ship, Old Bjorn had seen a lot, anything he thought was odd was worth watching.
'It's got a house built on at the back, can't be stable.' said Gunnar.
'Those sails are neither square nor triangles. How do they work?' said Olaf.
'Guess they catch the wind and push the ship. Same as ours.' said Arne.
'He asked for that!' Yngvild laughed, as did several others.
'Think they're coming here?' said Gunnar.
'Not likely, they'll be on a course for Portree.' said Arne. 'but we'll get a good look at them as they pass by.'
'It's come back to me. The ship, I've seen that sort before. They're from Mangandlay.' said Old Bjorn.
'Where's that then?' Yngvild said.
'Long way south of here. I didn't know they came this far north. I've only seen them near Kronstadt and to the South.'
'Have you been to Mangandlay?' Yngvild said.
'No lass, but I've heard a bit about it.' Old Bjorn said. 'Mangandlay is a port at the mouth of the river Mangand. It's hot, humid and full of flies and biting insects.'
'Biting insects?'
'Oh yes, they've got leeches that would suck the blood out of a man if they're not knocked off. Also lots of small flying things, leave pink spots all over your body. Makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.' said Old Bjorn.
'Why would anyone want to live in a place like that?' Gunnar said.
'Why would anyone want to live in a place that could freeze you to death and stays dark for two moons?' said Arne.

'Time we got on with things, there's a lot to get done before dinner. I want to take the boat out tomorrow.' said Old Bjorn.


I was moving a stack of empty barrels that needed repairs to the forge when the horn blared. Stopping, I put down the barrel I was carrying, and dashed back up the alley to my room to prepare for raiders.
The horn sounded again, I stopped, turned and leant against the wall of the alley. I closed my eyes and let out my breath in relief. After a moment I went back along the alley towards the jetty to see if anything was visible. Gunnar stood on the decking with the horn in his hand. Olaf and Leif were further down the Jetty, Birgitta and Alwilda appeared as I watched. The strange Mangandlay ship was taking up its sails as it headed straight for Straven.
I went back to collect the barrel I'd dropped, and joined the reception party on the jetty when I'd stowed it by the forge. By the time I got there almost all of the adults were present and many of the older children.
Leif, Awilda, Gunnar and Noren stood at the seaward end of the jetty with Old Bjorn. Arne had another party half way down the Jetty with Olaf, Birgitta and Helga. Arne waved me over to join him.
The ship drifted in closer. The Mangandlese sailors were tall and darker skinned than us. They also had shaved heads and faces. All of the ones that I could see in the prow were men. They stood with ropes ready to throw them to us. Some stood down the sides of the ship where they'd put rope fenders in place. They all had poles to steady the approach to the jetty. All of them were men, not a single woman among them. I wondered how they managed to come so far from their homes without women.
'Can we land?' one of the shaven headed sailors in the prow shouted.
'Who are you?' Old Bjorn shouted.
'Chantara, out of Mangandlay.'
'What business do you have?'
'We are traders, and we seek some fresh water too.'
'You are welcome to tie up.' Old Bjorn shouted.
Moments later the ropes were thrown. Gunnar caught it and the tying up process began.
Just before I had to start hauling on a rope myself, I spotted a black haired person at a window in the house at the back of the Chantara.

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