Freeing Noren

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Once we were mounted and leaving Beretha I took the opportunity to converse with Jafnadr.

Do you think Rojden will keep his end of the bargain? I asked Jafnadr.

'Rojden has always been a closed book to me. I don't know how he thinks.'

'You don't know how he thinks?'

'That's the key to understanding what people might do.'

'What about Jerre?'

'He's easy.'

'How do I persuade him to help me?'

We ran out of daylight twenty miles short of the Citadel. So we stopped in a wayside inn for the night. It had already been taken over by the army as a way station for couriers to change horses. Major Duerte booked us in and grooms took our horses. Jerre helped them while I went inside to eat.

Because it had been an inn there weren't separate facilities for officers and troopers to eat like I'd seen at our tented rest stops and the lines outside Beretha. So Jerre came in and joined me as the Major and I were finishing our food. The Major left to get some sleep, cautioning me that we would be up early to continue our journey.

I stayed to talk over Jerre to my side.

'How are the horses?' I asked.

'They're in good shape. The lads here know how to look after them.'

'How early can we start again?'

'It'll be first light in about nine hours. We could easily start then?'

'Couldn't we start sooner?'

'Maybe, but safer in the daylight, and the horses need some rest. Also the Citadel will be locked up for the night.'

'What if we timed it to arrive at the Citadel as they opened the gates?'

'We could. If you wanted.'

'Can we leave the Major behind?'

'If that's what you want.'

'It would be for the best. We won't need him when we get back.'

'I'll tell the lads not to wake him.'

'Do you need to sleep?'

'I'll get some in the stable.'

I didn't go to sleep, instead I kept watch over Jerre and the Major by turns. I took some time to reflect while they both slept. The Major had a room to himself, on which I hung a do not disturb sign. Jerre slept on some hay in the stables. I thought of the bargain I'd agreed with Rojden. Noren's freedom in exchange for ending the war. I couldn't quite see Rojden just handing Noren over. I'd been useful to him, and Noren was my leverage. What could I do if he refused?

Jafnadr, could I defeat Rojden?

'Not in a fair fight. He's far more experienced and skilled than you.'

'Is there another way that I could defeat him that might work?'

'Maybe if you got him out to sea, or perhaps while he was asleep.'

'Thank you for the vote of confidence. Is there anyone that could defeat him?'

'Probably not anyone acting alone. But there are several that could possibly do so.'

'Do I know any of them?'

'Several, but it is likely that if they'd really wanted Rojden done away with they'd have acted before now.'

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