The Thunderbird

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Old Bjorn woke me up before Jafnadr could show me any more. I was curled into a narrow bunk in a cabin onboard a ship to Grunwald again. Noren and the woman had returned to the cabin.
'I think some introductions are in order.' Old Bjorn said. 'Everyone, meet Bergliot, one of the co-owner of the Thunderbird.'
'Pleased to set you Bergliot. I'm Noren.' Noren raised his hand in greeting.
'...and I'm Ingwald, excuse the disguise. I needed to hide.' I pitched my voice as deep as I could. I doubt I fooled her, but by the time I was in my male clothing it would be enough to fool the crew. So long as I didn't talk to them much.
'Well met. I'm going to tell my co-owner about you, in the most general terms. But you need to keep the Board of Trade agent happy. I'm leaving that to you to sort out.' Bergliot said. 'You will find her finishing the cargo inventory in the hold, she will want to check this cargo soon.'
'Thanks. We'll sort that in a moment.' Old Bjorn said.
Bergliot left the cabin.
'I'd better get changed then.' I said.
'Noren, you and I should go and see the Board of Trade agent.'

As soon as they left I started changing into my male persona. Just as I was putting the doublet on there was a knock at the door.
'One moment, I'm changing.' I said.
I hastily shoved the discarded skirts under the blanket on the lower bunk as flat as I could make them.
Once they were hidden I opened the door, still barefoot. A woman stood waiting outside, she was slightly shorter than me and a few years older by the look of her. She'd filled out in places I hadn't. Her dress was mostly Skyssian blue, suggesting that she might be the Board of Trade agent that the men had gone looking for.
'Well met. I'm Birgitta Helgasdottir, working for the Board of Trade. I understand that you came aboard just before The Thunderbird left Kronstadt?'
'Yes, that's correct.'
'Where are you going to?'
'We're on our way home.'
'Knarvik in Grunwald?'
'It's on the way. We can go overland from there.'
'How many in your party?'
'Just me and my seneschal. He just went to find you, I suppose you came here by a different way than he went.'
'He must have. Now, what are your names?'
'I'm Ingwald Oddmundrsson. My seneschal is Arne Leifsson. We're both from Brevik, a small fishing village along the coast from Knarvik.'
Birgitta took a small book out of a fold in her skirt when I started talking and wrote down the details.
'So, Ingwald, why did you join the ship at the last minute?'
'It was an early departure and I overslept. I don't sleep well on board ships and wanted to get a good night's sleep before I came on board.'
I was willing her to believe me. There was more talking than I'd hoped for. My voice was my main weakness in passing for a man.
'Soong as you weren't running out on a woman!'
'No, nothing of the sort. I don't have a woman in my life.'
'I'm a little surprised that a handsome young man such as yourself doesn't have a train of heartbroken maidens behind you.'
'If only...'
'Well Ingwald, please report to the Board of Trade agent as you come in board. It makes all our lives easier.'
'I will. Don't worry, I don't want to cause any trouble for anyone.'
'Enjoy your journey,' Birgitta winked at me over her shoulder as she left the cabin, 'and look me up next time you are back in Kronstadt.'
I hadn't thought my disguise was quite that good. But I was pleased it had worked.

Old Bjorn returned to the cabin a short while later.
'I've not been able to find the Board of Trade agent. I did hear that she was a stickler for the rules. She might not be easy to persuade.' he said.
'Don't worry, she came here just after you left. I charmed her a little.'
'You charmed her?' Old Bjorn raised an eyebrow.
'Yes. I told her that you and I were travelling home via Knarvik. That you were my seneschal, Arne Leifsson. I'm Ingwald Oddmundrsson.'
'Of course.' he said. 'and she was happy with that?'
'Happier than I had expected, she started flirting with me.' I said. 'It was quite a shock!'
'It would be.' he said. 'What were you thinking at the time?'
'Yes. What were you thinking?'
'I was hoping she'd see me as a man and not think that I was a woman.'
Old Bjorn laughed.
'What's so funny?'
'You did charm her. Well done!'
'You mean she bought it because of my abilities?'

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