{Through Ice Glass}

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{Through Ice Glass}

            Elsa gazed out the window her eyes glazed with unshed tears as she watched children her own age playing in the snow. Their ecstatic expressions brought envy to her; she wished so badly to be playing along with her sister right now. But every time she would imagine…a flash of that horrible memory invaded her mind.

            Anna still came every now and then to pester her about the weather and to play outside in the snow. But as always she would decline with an irritated no, couldn’t she see that it was dangerous to be with her?

            Elsa let out a bored sigh and looked away from the enthusiastic kids playing outside behind the castle walls. She went to her bed and sat down in wonder, what was she to do in a silent room?

            Elsa fell back and her head collided against the plump pillow, the satin sheets wrapped around her as she hummed a low tune. Her hooded eyes closed and she dreamt about having a friend that she could not hurt someone that…

            …didn’t mind the cold.


            Jack wandered around the kingdom with bare feet, his staff alongside him as he passed citizens with cheerful looks. He kept his distance not wanting to hurt anyone with his odd behavior, but inside he was the one suffering.

            Everyone would ignore him and give impassive looks toward him, as if he didn’t exist to them. Did they not like foreigners to an extent where they would blunt out ignore his presence?

            He halted in his tracks when he smelled a sweet aroma wafting from a stand on the left, when he turned he saw an old woman selling warm chestnuts. He walked toward the woman and asked, “How much for a bag?”

            She seemed to be staring at the people passing by; it was as if she hadn’t heard him speak. So he raised his voice a bit more and repeated, “How much for a bag?”

            Once more she did not respond and his irritation seemed to turn to annoyance by the second. When a man came from beside him and asked for a bag, he was enraged at the fact that she smiled and replied, “Here, thank you Mr. Smith.”

            When the man left Jack left in a fury, he was upset that nobody paid him mind or even looked at him. He meandered aimlessly through the street and when he came upon a corner he was shocked when a young boy passed right through him.

            He stifled a scream and was momentarily frozen in place as the boy’s giggles became distant; he looked down at his body and pressed his hand on his stomach. It was hard and it felt real…yet that boy walked through him like fog.

            What is going on?

            He ran at that instant in panic, his feet ignoring pebbles probing at his feet, and then something extraordinary happened a gush of wind lifted him up. As if he was a mere feather he was lifted off the ground before he could crash against a mob of fishermen.

            Jack felt his heart accelerate as he was carried by the wind his body thrashing as he struggled to go back to land, but that motive had dispersed the moment he looked at the scenery.

            It was amazing the sight of the moon so close yet far and the clouds that dwelled near it, when he gazed down he saw the lights twinkling and people walking. He was lost then to the freedom and smiled when he realized how fun it was to do as he pleases.

            Perhaps it was his way to ignore the things around him…a loop hole that led him to stop worrying and enjoy what he was experiencing but soon he had become mischievous.


            Elsa touched the edge of the window with her fingertips and watched as a pattern of ice formed at her wake. It has been over a year and she still feared her power, but she was able to confront most of her fears.

            She wasn’t afraid when she was alone, but whenever she heard footsteps outside her blood became cold and she stilled. Elsa shook her head and looked back out the window where the kingdom still flourished under the light snow.

            It was odd that winter had come unexpectedly and early, but maybe it was just her. It is the end of November and it wasn’t that odd that the cold would come in a hurry, especially when it concerned her.

            She looked down at her hand and then out of nowhere she heard the faint knock near her. Elsa turned her head sharply to the door that was closed shut, but there was no sign someone was coming in. If it was her parents or a maid they would announce their presence, but no one was there.

            The knock brought her eyes to the window, she felt it…the window vibrated slightly. But nobody was outside of her window, no one…

            “Who goes there?” Elsa questioned putting her glove back on and glaring at the window with suspicion.

            Silence met her ears and then ice formed on the glass, it was a name written in perfect cursive J-A-C-K. She read the name aloud and frowned for a second before she saw a body floating behind the glass.  In a blink of an eye he had appeared from thin air and he wore a smirk on his lips.

            “Who are you?” She muttered in shock at the teenage boy.

            “My name is…Jack,” his eyes twinkled and he added with enthusiasm, “Jack Frost.”

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