Chapter 18

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Seb's POV


Unlike the usual, rain poured over the beautiful scenery of Barcelona, my home. Maybe the weather really reflected my mood, especially after what I had just found out. My whole life was a complete lie. Why did this have to happen to me? I guess I would promptly find out.

"Good morning, son," My father greeted, as he does every morning, however unlike every morning, I didn't greet him back. The green eyes which I had inherited remained fixed on the text of the newspaper in his hand as he had his daily coffee. He didn't seem to notice my lack of reply. 

Despite the anger that invaded my veins, I had yet to find the courage to bring up the subject that haunted me for days. I thought of all the possible answers I could get, but none would be acceptable of the lie that I had been left to believe all these years. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Harshness filled my tone and that alone brought my father out of whatever trance held him captive. 

"Excuse me?" Confusion filled his expression but I knew that deep down he knew exactly what I was talking about. 

"Why didn't you tell me that you're not my father? That I'm actually the son of your dead sister? You told me she died with her husband and son in a car crash!" 

"Son, I-" 

"I am no son of yours. Don't speak to me as if I am." 

The pain his expression held hurt me because despite finding out about the lie I had been living, he still felt like my father. Where did the pain come from though? Was it because of the way I mentioned his dear sister who also happened to be my mother? Or was it because he didn't want me to find out the truth?

"I didn't tell you to protect you! You have to understand - I didn't want you to be living in a world where you had no parents. I didn't want you to feel excluded from this family. What did you expect me to do? You were too young to remember anything, I didn't want their death to haunt you."

As much as I would have liked his explanation to put out the fire that burned ferociously inside of me, but the exasperation I felt didn't die down as easily as I would have liked. I knew there was still a part of the story missing. I felt it deep down. 

"There's something else, isn't there? Something else you are hiding from me."

As my so-called father opened his mouth to speak, the woman I once called my mother entered the kitchen. She looked between my 'father' and I, the tension in the air grew, as did my annoyance.

"What happened here? Sebastian, darling, why are you glaring at your father and I?" the woman standing in front of me spoke to me with the same calmness in her voice - but there was hint anxiety in her tone. It was almost insignificant but I noticed it. 

Despite the desperate need inside of me to lash out now that both of them were present, I held it back. I wondered where Adelina would fit in all of this. Was she adopted from one of my so-called mother's sister that I've never heard of? Was her life a lie too?

Ignoring my mother's confused question, I continued interrogating my father to find the missing piece of this messed up story, "Where does Adelinea fit in all of this? Is she actually your daughter?"

"Of course she is! Who do you think you were going to visit in the hospital with your parents?!" Upon saying this my 'father' received a fierce glare from my 'mother', his eyes widening after realising his slip up. 

"What?" My raised voice lowered to a whisper at the new information. Everything finally fell into place.

"Is that why don't love me as much as Adelina? Is that why you always gave her more than me? I always thought it was because I was the older brother, turns out it was more than that. You never loved me, did you? I lost my parents because of her. It's all Adelina's fault! My whole life is a lie all because she was born!" My voice got louder as I progressed through my accusation against Adelina. My so-called parents looked angered but I didn't care.

Adelina would pay for everything she's done to ruin my life. 


I lay in the hotel room, on the bed covered in clean white sheets. I was only staying for a few weeks. Years of planning my revenge against Adelina and my chance had finally arrived. Alexander had called me around a week ago to tell me about everything that happened, asking for my help. Our friendship, although hidden from the world, was a strong one so I came as soon as possible from the USA to help him. 

Alex had told me everything that had happened over the phone. His breakup with Liz; the affair he was having with Sam; Austin getting in the way of everything. He'd said that Sam forced him into a relationship with her because Alec wasn't good enough, and how he still loved Liz. Too bad Liz hates him. Despite everything he had said, a part of me knew he was lying about still loving Liz - the reason for that I didn't know. I wouldn't usually involve myself with such situations but ever since Alex told me about Adelina working in the same school that Liz worked in, I knew my opportunity had finally arrived right at my doorstep. The opportunity for revenge. 

Staring at the empty ceiling above, my mind drifted, remembering the plan Alex had explained. 

2 weeks ago

"Emma needs your help, and so do I! Liz can't leave me for someone like that Austin guy! He is nothing compared to me! But anyway, the point is, you need to find a way to hurt Liz for what she did to me. We'll take care of the rest - you just make sure you cause a distraction so that we can swiftly kidnap Adelina. I don't know why Emma wants to do this, but that's not my problem. Just distract Liz and whoever else is with her - but remember, don't get too close to her, or you'll have to deal with me!"

In all honesty, I had never seen this Liz girl in my life but if Alex is getting annoyed at her leaving him then she must be something!

"Okay, sure. I'll do what I can, but remind me again why Sam is also getting involved?"

"What's it to you? Sam's with me."

Well, that's confusing! Who does Alex want in his life exactly Sam or Liz? My mind was drifting off topic; the only reason I was here was to get my revenge on Adelina. Helping Alex is just part of the journey towards my goal. Nothing will get in my way. 


Alex wanted me to hurt Elizabeth Prior and that's exactly what he'll get, even if it meant ignoring what he said about not getting 'too close' to her. After all, what's more painful than heartbreak? 

Amy's POV

The end of another long school day finally arrived. With the stress of exams looming over me, I wasn't looking to where my BMX bike was taking me. Probably a bad idea. My mind wandered off to the love story that Tris and I were trying to set up. One we shouldn't really be interfering with. I knew Mr Waters was the one for Miss Prior, but for some reason, there was something in the way of their relationship. Determined to find out what it could, I thought of all the possibilities that could be the cause of my ship taking off into the distance.

Was Miss Prior having a hard time getting over her divorce? She looked fine this morning.

Was there another guy? My mind pondered this thought. Could there be someone else in the picture?

The sun shone over the city, unlike the usual rain showers that grace us with their presence daily. Clear skies; soft breeze; beautiful landscape. All replaced with darkness. 

I lost sight of everything surrounding me as I heard a screech of tires and my head hit the bumpy road, losing my consciousness in that very moment. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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