Chapter 16

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Liz Pov

On my second date with Seb, well third if you count the night in we had at my house where we basically ate and watched random movies, Seb took me to the Bullring. He said he wanted to buy me loads of stuff and spoil me. It was nice of him, but I questioned myself whether he was trying to buy my heart with money or not.

Currently, I was at Costa waiting for Seb while he went to the men's room. Five minutes passed and he still hadn't come back; I started to worry, millions of scenarios filled my brain, what could have happened to him?

He finally came back. But with a split lip and a drop of sweat rolling down his forehead. What the hell happened?

"What happened to you?" I asked, shock and concern filling my features as I went up to him and touch the cut on his lip softly.

"It doesn't matter," he replied, but I knew he was hiding something. Why wouldn't he tell me?

"Fine then, you don't trust me so I guess I'll just leave." Just as I was about to grab my bag and leave, Seb grabbed my wrist stopping me from going any further away from him.

"Wait!" I turned round, as Seb stood, a look on his face making it seem as though he was debating whether you tell me or not. But the emotionless expression on my face gave him his answer.

"This guy was following us round, so basically when I was in the toilet he was there. I asked him his name he wouldn't tell me. I told him to stop stalking you and I and he kept denying so I punched him. Three other guys came in and tried to beat me up.

One of them was that guy I saw a few days ago with curly brown hair and deep blue eyes," he continued. Was he talking about Austin? I couldn't bring myself to believe it. "They tried to knock me out, but I beat them up first. Then, before I saw it coming, one of the guys kicked my family jewels and then left."

I look of anger appeared on my face. How could they? I immediately knew who they were. If the guy with blue eyes was Austin, then it must have been Daniel, Dean and maybe Alec with him. How dare they? They have no right to do what they did. If Austin wanted to be with me he should've taken the chance.

But NO. He waited till I got a boyfriend to get jealous. I quickly dialled Austin's number, anger quickly spreading through my veins.

My anger multiplied when he didn't answer. What the hell is wrong with him?

"We should probably go," Seb said, awkwardly.

"Yeah. We should."


Annoyed with Austin and Co., I didn't answer any of their calls. Instead I decided Austin needed to learn a lesson.

I was at home, alone because Seb was at work or something. He better not be cheating. I've had enough of that; first Alexander, now him?

Stop assuming the worst.

Yes, I probably should. But because it happened before I can't help but feel like it will happen again, I'm just not enough.

Forget all of this nonsense! You need to go deal with Austin.

Oh yeah. That.


Conflicted. That was just one word to describe my situation right now. On the drive here, I drafted things, completely eliminated others, all while planning my conversation with Austin, finally coming to a final 'piece'. But now I think otherwise. I had planned a harsh conversation which would consist mostly of shouting at him. But is that really what I should do?

As I hesitate to knock on the white front door before me, I tried to convince myself that all I could feel towards Austin was anger and hate, but as you can see, I used the word tried. My affection towards him had not gone away and was clinging to my heart, and never letting go.

We shared random kisses here and there and although they were probably not serious for him, they were for me. Every kiss made our, or my, love stronger, blooming into the beautiful flower of love. But that could be no more. Why?

The answer came in an instant; a picture of him filling my mind. Sebastian Fernández. He instantly did what I was waiting for Austin to do. He asked me out. He took me places. He asked me to be his girlfriend! Something Austin would never do.

Seeing Seb the way I saw him in the shopping centre the other day was enough to remind why I was here. To ignore my love and focus my anger.

With that came a strong, insistent knock on the door, from the one and only Elizabeth Prior.

Austin POV

I am greeted with a slap to my right cheek.

Upon hearing a knock on the door, I opened it, like a normal person would, but little did I know what would happen.

Before I could see who it is I heard screaming which was probably directed at me.


One word. Liz.

I'm doomed. Looks like there is no tomorrow.

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