Chapter 14

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Liz Pov

It's been a hard week for all of us. Especially Dean. The fact that his ultimate crush got kidnapped when he was so close to asking her out made the situation ten times worse for him.

The police have found no traces of Adelina and they haven't found any suspects yet. But I have a feeling Alex has something to do with this, some way to get back at me. But how could he have done this alone?

My thoughts were momentarily cut off by an insistent knock on the door. Dean and I decide to break off the relationship, and just be friends. It was for the best plus Dean wasn't exactly in his best condition ever since Adelina disappeared. Not to say I wasn't affected at all, I was. The situation hurt me deeply since she was the only girl friends I had left. But it had a much larger impact on Dean.

Opening the door, I found Seb in front of me. I was surprised to say the least. What brings him here?

"Oh, hi!" I squealed, after a few minutes of thought, probably giving off the vibe that I was a bit too excited. But what do you expect? There's a hot guy standing at my door step.

"Hey," he replied. It felt kind of awkward until I realised that we were still standing at the door.

"Oh, sorry," I laughed yet again awkwardly. Why was a being so awkward? "Come in."

Seb walked in, curiously looking round my humble home. Suddenly, I felt self conscious. What if doesn't like my house? What if he doesn't like me? Questions were swarming round in my head. Did I like him? If only Adelina was here, I could've talked her.

Making himself comfortable, Seb sat on the sofa in the living room. I decided I should start a conversation, make things flow a bit. I still had no idea why he was here but that didn't mean I didn't want him to be here.

"How's it going with Adelina not being here and stuff?" I asked sincerely. He was after all her brother.

"It's been ok. I do miss her though, just like everyone else but we were closer than most siblings are," he replied honestly.

I didn't know what to say. Frankly, I didn't know how he felt since I was an only child however, Adelina was always like a sister to me and I didn't how I would feel if I didn't get to see her again.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?"

His question was random and in turn shocked me. Why does he want to go on a date with me out of all people? And why now? His sister also known as my best friend has disappeared to who knows where and he wants to take me on a date? Seb seemed to notice the confused expression on my face and answered the lingering questions.

"I really like you. Ever since I first saw you I was captured by your blue grey eyes. I thought I had no chance with you, since you were with Alexander, and that broke my heart. Then you guys got divorced, it was like my chanve had finally arrived. I just couldn't find the right moment to ask you out.

"Plus things are getting really depressing with Adelina gone and I thought this could be something that could cheer us both up," he finished, the sincerity in his mini speech overwhelming.

I had no idea he felt this way. We had seen each other a few times but I was blind to notice how he felt. Since Austin hasn't admitted his feelings to me, if he has any, I guess I should just go on this date since Seb actually likes me.

"Sure, I'll go on a date with you," I replied, a small smile spread on my face. What could possibly go wrong? And he was right I needed something to get my mind of Adelina and maybe even Austin.

A large smile was plastered on Seb's face, joy evident on his face.

"When are you free?"


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