Chapter 7

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Austin POV

As we entered MacDonalds, which I now know is her favourite restaurant I should make a note of that-

Already did.

Shut up. Let me focus on her for once.
Anyway, as I was saying, as we entered McDonald's Liz stopped halfway between the entrance and the counter. I was gonna ask her why but then I noticed she was looking at something and was about to cry. I looked at the direction she was looking at. I saw Sam at a table with some brown-haired dude. Then Liz started walking over there. I had no idea what was going on but I didn't want to be annoying so I just casually followed her.

"What's going on?!" she screamed. Ohh I think that's her husband.

Well done Sherlock(!)

Well how was I meant to know?!?!


Don't answer that!

"Liz! I swear it isn't what it looks like!" the dude, who i guessed was her husband, protested.

"Really?! 'Cause it looks like my husband is cheating on me with my best friend." she almost yelled. I felt really awkward. I think half of McDonald's was looking at us.

"No we're not going out. It was just a friendly meet up. Alec called me and said that he had some work to do so we couldn't go out tonight and I bumped into Alex on the way here and we decided to get something to eat. As friends." Sam clarified. Again totally awkward.

"Really?!" Liz screamed.

"Yes!" Alex defended.

"Ok. I believe you guys. I'm sorry for doubting you," she apologized. Wow I didn't think she was going to buy that. Even I didn't. Like seriously they were clearly lying.

You just think that 'cause you love her.

Do you ever shut up?!


And do you know what a rhetorical question is?

Better than you do-

Thank you for proving my point. That shut up the stupid voice in my head.

I'm not as stupid as you.

What did I say?!

"It's ok. What are you doing here with..." Alex asked.

"Oh this is Austin. He's a new teacher," Liz said.

"Right, ok," Alex said and I shook hands with him. Wait so two lame apologies and she forgives them. I mean come on. They weren't even apologies.

"So, yeah ummm do you want to get a table or-" I asked, seriously awkwardly.

"Yeah sure," Liz interrupted me before it could get anymore awkward. Thank you. "So sorry about that all three of you," she apologised. Can't she see that Sam and Alex should be apologising to her.

Liz chose a table a little far away from Sam and Alex but still within earshot. Good she understood something was going on. And also I could punch Alex in the face and... where the sun don't shine. And also b!tch slap Sam if I needed to. Wait can guys b!tch slap?!

Yes! Now stop being so bloody sexist.

Oh ok. Wait! Sam was a girl I couldn't harm a girl.

Yes you couldn't now just enjoy the rest of your date with Liz.

It's not a date. She's married.

Whatever. Just enjoy the fact that you can be with her.

You're right I should.

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