Chapter 13

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Dean POV

I decided to take Liz out on a date because I know Austin likes her. And I know it's more than just an attraction or a crush. I can see the way he looks at her. He really does love Liz. And from what I can see Liz loves Austin just as much. I need to get them to notice their love for each other.

There's only one thing that could possibly go wrong with my plan. I don't want to distract Liz from Austin. That would be seriously bad. But it could happen 'cause I'm just so loveable.

Another reason I'm doing this is 'cause I'm sort of have this major gigantic crush on Adelina. I know Liz and her are pretty good friends so I was sort of hoping that maybe I could get close to her and maybe make her jealous. I know this is a really ridiculous plan and I'm weaving a really tangled web here but I've tried to get her out of my head and I just can't. I know, desperate, right?

Anyway, Austin's pretty pissed and won't talk to me. I mean I know that I broke the guy code but I'll make it up to him. I'll just make sure to use the guy code of facial expressions to explain it to him.

I'm about to take Liz on our fourth date. I know she likes Italian food so I'm taking her to this really nice Italian place.

We're at the Italian place and she seems to be having a good time but I really don't want her to get distracted from Austin and holy shit!!!!

How?!?!?!?! What the...?!?!?!?! OH MY FREAKING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ummm don't look there with wide eyes Liz is going to notice. She can't see them or she'll flip.

GODDAMNIT! SHE'S TURNING AROUND! Here comes a shitload of well... shit.

She looks over her shoulder and then looks back at me. I could see hurt and anger building up in her eyes. I hate to say this, but at the moment that's bitter­sweet. She walked over to the table where Sam and Austin were. I followed her, not knowing how it would go down.

"What the hell are you doing here, Austin?" she seemed pretty pissed right now.

"Is there a problem? I am taking Sam out on a date, since we are together now," Austin replied, with a surprising amount of venom in his voice. Wait!


I could see how shocked Liz was and I could see that she's gonna be like Niagara Falls on the way home.

She stormed and ran (if it's possible to those two things at the same time) out of the restaurant. I grabbed our stuff and caught up to her.

"Hey, hey. Look at me," I tried to talk to Liz softly. "Don't worry about them. I know that­-"

"Look, Dean, you're a great friend and one of the greatest people I know but I don't like you like that. 'Cause my heart belongs with someone else and­..." I shut her up with a kiss. She surprised me by kissing me back.

Finally, I decided to pull away first.

"What did you feel there?" I asked and looked into her eyes sincerely.

"I'm really sorry Dean, but nothing. Just­ forget about us and-"

"Look I know that you don't feel anything, and the feeling's mutual. I also know that you want to be with Austin."

"You know that I like Austin?" she asked the tears in her eyes slowly receding.

"No. I know that you love Austin. You just need to realise it. I can see the way you look at him. I know that you want to be with him. I'm really sorry that what has happened in the past month or two has happened but I'm not sorry that we went out and I really hope that even if we aren't more than friends that you realised your feelings for Austin. He's a great guy and I know that you know that too. You're just a little shocked at what you saw there. But don't worry I can confirm that there isn't and there will not be anything between him and Sam."

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