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Andrew's Pov

Is a flower really the same without it's stem?

A couple of weeks have passed since Emily reunited with her father. They were planning on getting Emily to live with him but they need to get all of the paperwork ready and the judge to agree.

I'm pretty sure he will, since you know emily's mom is practically faded all of the time. It was almost graduation day, are last day of rehab. I can't believe how fast the time went by, me and Emily have really connected these past few weeks, it's a shame I might not see her for awhile.

Hopefully they will get everything resolved quickly. I went to emily's room to see how she was doing, I knocked on her door, "hey Emily, do want to get some chai tea?"

There was no answer. I knocked again,  "Emily?"

Her door was open, I walked in and saw her crying on the floor, blankets were covering her whole body. I immediately check if she's ok, she opens the blankets and is half naked with just her bra and panties on. She had vomit on her stomach.

"I can't Andrew, I just can' much is happening at once, I'm on the verge of relapsing. I don't know if the judge will approve, I'm trying".

She started sobbing away the pain she had held in for so long, the stress was so much. I know I had to do something. I picked her up, "ok no more thinking, it's time to relax. I'm going to draw you a bath Em, you have to much shit on your mind and there will be no more relapsing".

I sat her down on the toilet seat and wiped the vomit off of her stomach. She looked tired and weak, she probably didn't get a minute of sleep last night. I started to draw a hot bath for her, she asked me out of nowhere "why are you so nice to me Andrew?"

I froze while I poured  the bubbles in the bath, "because you deserve it Em".

I look back and she's shaking her head, "I don't want that usual answer, I want to hear the truth, is it because you feel sorry for me or what, why the fuck are you so nice to me, because I sure as hell know I don't deserve it".

I don't hesitate to answer, "yes you do deserve it, I don't do these things just to be nice, I do it because I really care about you....I like you you".

Her eyes widen, "what did you just say? Come on Andrew we just kissed, that's it. What do expect from me, to say I love you too, like if everything was supposed to be fucking perfect".

I check if the water is hot enough, "I know things aren't perfect, I guess you haven't stopped to think maybe that is why I love you, because I know how hard it is too, because love isn't perfection, love is a challenge. Sure things aren't perfect, but just because someone isn't perfect doesn't mean you can't love them".

She puts her head down, "can you please just go so I can take a bath, I need some alone time, with no one breathing down my neck 24/7"

I washed my hands and then left her room. I wasn't upset or sad about the whole situation, everybody needs space once in awhile.


Night was falling, the moonlight reflected on the clouds, making them noticeable in the night sky. I was dressed up with a grey short sleeve button shirt and dark black jeans. Today Thomas was giving his goodbye  speach to everyone, tomorrow was graduation day but tonight was the real graduation. Tomorrow we just pack are bags and survive in the real world.

Everyone was all dressed up and ready for the speach. There was no sight of Emily around, I sat in the front. Thomas stepped up on the stage, "good evening everybody, I just wanted to express how proud I am of all of you. You all came a long way, it's been a pleasure helping you all, and seeing you guys help your selves and work as a team, just remember don't leave that teamwork here, stay in touch with each other outside of this place, it will be a great help".

After the speach Thomas hugged everyone. He hugged me and said, "before you leave tomorrow, can you stop by my office? I would like to share some advice with you".

I hand him a soda, "of course".

In the back row I saw Emily hugging some of the people from are group.  She seemed happy, I didn't want to go over and bother her. I also was afraid to confront her after everything that happened.

I was hoping that she'd come over to me, but she looked straight at me and then turned away. I guess it was just a kiss for her after all, maybe I was just a shoulder to cry on.

I went to my room and texted Mrs A, I let her know that tomorrow was the last day. She kindly said she would pick me up. After awhile I called it a night, it's going to be a long drive tomorrow.


I get up earlier than usual so I can pack my stuff and talk to Thomas before I go. I got my things together and was going to talk to with Thomas, but first I went to emily's room and knocked on the door. I knocked several times but no answer, she left without saying goodbye.

I felt sad, she at least could've said goodbye. Maybe I shouldn't of said anything yesterday, I just should've, no fuck that I did things right for once in my life, I'm proud of my self. I just hope she doesn't forget.

I went to Thomas's office, he looked up, "take a seat buddy". I sat down, he hands me a 7 up, "good morning Andrew, today is the big day. Graduation day, but you haven't graduated yet".

I was confused, so I asked, "what do you mean". He then puts a syringe on the table, next to the can of 7 up.

"This is your final test so you can officially graduate".

I stare at the syringe, it was perfectly ready to stick in my arm and shoot that shit in my veins. It seemed like the syringe was calling my name over and over again. I looked up at Thomas, "why are you doing this?"

He tapped his fingers on the desk, "Andrew this is a test I give everyone, it's time for you to choose, pick your poison or live your life healthy".

I pick up the syringe from the desk and look at it for a minute, then I threw it in the trash, "I came here to get healthy and change, this time I'm for real, no more excuses".

Thomas nods his head and smiles, "good, by the way the only thing in that syringe was water, just like alcoholics I put cranberry juice in a wine bottle. Sugar in a zip lock bag, you name it. To many people give in and take the bait, some may see the luxuries here and think of it like a vacation, but this is to change and feel relaxed, not to just swim in the pool and enjoy the time here like if it was just a vacation, people who think like that are the ones that don't listen in the sessions and in the end don't make it".

I nod my head, "I respect you, thank you for everything you do for us, I will be back here in a couple of years, not to get help but to join you in helping others and sharing my experience with others".

Thomas smiles, "I'm happy to hear that, I will be waiting. Oh and before you leave, just if you were wondering,  Emily also passed".

When I heard that it made me happy, "she left without saying goodbye to me".

Thomas pats my shoulder, "just because she didn't say goodbye, it doesn't mean she didn't care. I know she really cares for you Andrew, just give it time".

"I will, I'm just happy I came here and accomplished something".

I gave Thomas a hug and went to the front gate, Mrs A was waiting in the car, she honked the horn and waved hi. I smiled and walked to the car.

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