Perfect Imperfections

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Andrew's Pov

Jade's mom invites us in the house, Jade grabs my hand and brings me into her house. We sit on the comfortable sofa in the living room, Jade rests her head on my chest, her mom asks us "would you two like a cup of tea or hot chocolate?" Jade answered first "I would like a hot chocolate mom". Her mom turns to me and asks "what would you like dear?" I answered "I would like the same please". She then smiles at us both and says "you two look cute together".

I smiled and said "thank you", Jade squeezed my hand and kissed my cheek. After a few minutes Jade's mom brought us the hot chocolate and sat down with us, she said "so Andrew tell me about yourself". Jade takes a sip of her hot chocolate and says "really mom?" Her mom says "what Jade, I would like to get to know your new friend".

I then kindly introduced myself "my name is Andrew". She says "it's nice to meet you Andrew, I've heard a lot about you". I got curious so I asked "so Jade has told you about me?" That's when her mom made goosebumps go up my arm by saying "not only from Jade but from other people, Jade says good things but people see differently".

Jade interrupts her mom "then people are mistaken mom, they don't know him like I do". Jade's mom chuckled "we never get to know people completely Jade, so maybe you know what he only wants to show you". Jade slams her hand on the couch with rage "that's enough mom!!!". I get up and say "it's ok Jade I should get going, thanks for the hot chocolate".

It was a cold out and I knew it was going to be a long walk home. With each step I took, haunting memories from my past went through my head, it felt good in a way because it reminds me of all the stupid shit that I left behind. But it also is terrible because if people only knew, they wouldn't look at me the same way, especially Jade.

She wouldn't look at me with love or care, she would probably look at me with disappointment. That's what scares me the most. After a few minutes I finally get home, my mom asks "so how did it go?" I walk in the house and grab some hot tea "well it didn't go well mom, her mom heard things about me".

I sit down on the living room floor with a blanket wrapped around me, my mom sat next to me and said "nobody knows about the shit you've been through, you are the only who truly knows who you are". I said "thanks mom", then my eyes got heavy and I slowly started to fall asleep.

Suddenly my cell phone woke me up, my ring tone echoed through the living room carry on wayward son. I answer it quickly. It was Jade
J: Hello
A: Hey
J: Are you ok?
A: Kinda
J: I'm really sorry about what my mom said.
A: She was right Jade.
J: we'll talk about this tomorrow in person.
A: Ok goodnight.

I hung up before she could say goodnight, maybe because I was terrified of hearing the disappointment in her voice. I drag myself to my room and just fall on my nice comfortable bed and slowly fell asleep. It was one of those hot and sticky nights, my sweat was cold and my heart was racing, it reminded me of those first days that I decided to take control of my life.

I wake up and look at the clock, it was five in the morning and I couldn't sleep that well anyway so I walk downstairs to make myself a cup of coffee. I see a note taped on the fridge saying, stay strong, stay loving, stay you, love mom and dad. That made my day better already. After I ate breakfast and drunk some coffee. I already had a feeling that today was going to be a better day.

So I walked to school almost freezing my nuts off. I stop at Jade's house to see if she was waiting for me but she wasn't there. I walked further down the road with my head down because of the sadness weighing it down. Until Jade just popped out of the bushes hugging me. She said "I waited for you here because of my mom, I'm really sorry about what she said yesterday".

I grab Jade's hand and we kept walking, I say to her "Jade we've known each other for a long time now but there's some things that you don'tknow about me, some things that maybe will affect the relationship we have". Jade stops and pulled me into her arms "Andrew I don't want anything to affect what we have, it doesn't matter what you did, all that matters is right now".

I look Jade in the eyes and kiss her, then I said "I still have to tell you though". She says "we'll sit down later and talk about everything". I kiss her forehead and hug her from behind, I lifted her up and spun her around. We get to school and she kissed me goodbye before going to her first period class.

As the day went by I was still nervous about telling Jade, I don'tknow why but it still made me shake like a little kid watching Friday the 13th. I asked Mrs. A when class was over "I'm going to tell Jade about you know... my past". Mrs. A is a person I trust she is one of the few people that know about my past.

Mrs. A says "don't be afraid to talk about your past dear, you should be proud that you left all of those bad things behind you and became a better person, remember Andrew you can't write imperfections without perfection". I hand in the work she gave today "thanks Mrs. A". She says "anytime dear".

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