What's your excuse?

14 2 0

Andrew's Pov

After the powerful session, I couldn't help but fear that all of the attention was drawn to me. Not that it's a bad thing but it isn't a great thing either. I didn't want anyone to take it the wrong way. On our way out everyone was waving bye to each other and chatting. Me on the other hand, was trying to sneak out before anyone approached me.

As I was sneaking over to get some donuts before leaving, someone tapped my shoulder and asked "can you pass me some tea?" My eyes scanned the table, there were so many tea options. I asked "which kind?" The female voice behind me answered "peppermint". Her voice was soft and almost sounded like a french accent.

I kindly yet nervously poured the tea for her. I turned around to give it to her, she smiled. Wow that smile, it wasn't just a thrown thank you smile, it was cute, it was more of a happy to see you smile. Anyways maybe it was just a simple smile. She was a little bit taller than me, her skin was a glowing white but at the same time pale. Her hair was black and she had red lipstick on. She had a nice black dress on, it wasn't too long or too short.

After a while of me analyzing this beautiful woman, by analyzing I mean starring. Shit an awkward moment is going to happen if I don't stop staring. She broke the awkward silence and stare by jokingly asking "is that for me?" Snapping out of it I say "oh yes yes....here you go, sorry about that". She chuckled and said "no worries hehe, it was creepy yet cute".

She sips her tea and grunts, her eyes roll backwards and she says "the best tea ever, don't judge me". I laugh and say "don't worry I won't, I have the same relationship with coffee". She then asked me "do you want to hang out with me by the pool or whatever?" I grab my glazed donut and answered "me and this donut would be honored to". That made her laugh "ok come on, what's your name?"

I playfully ask "my name or the donuts?" She laughed sarcastically "your name, duhh, everybody knows that donuts name is Dunking". Looking at the donut in shock I say "I see what you did there, well my name is Andrew". She pulls me by the hand and leads me to the pool, she says "cool, my name is Emily". We go outside to the pool, she stopped and shakes her head. "Shit there's to many people here, come on there's a quieter place we can go".

I followed her to a nice little patio area in the back. She let's go of my hand and runs towards the couch, she face plants onto the cushions. I laughed, I laid on the ground next to the couch. I handed Emily half of my donut, she says "oh how generous of you, get up here with me, there's room for two". She bites into the donut and enjoys the hell out of it, I sat next to her, feeling the soft cushion of the couch under my ass.

I laid back and relaxed, I say "I needed this, thank God places like this exist, they really help us". Emily licked her fingers and said "tell me about it, I needed it too, you really grabbed my attention back in there, what you said must've been hard to admit, that was very brave of you". Wind was blowing my hair back, I tried brushing it with my hands but the wind was just too much. I said "it's just the truth, I've been here only one day and I already feel the struggle".

She grips my hand, leaving me speachles, her eyes were teary, she says "I know how you feel, I wish I could've said it at the session instead of saying, I'm feeling good". I try to comfort her by rubbing her hand and  saying "well you can tell me, there's no pressure, no audience, just me a guy you just met and kindly gave you some of his donut". She chuckled and wiped a tear away.

She said "don't forget you also poured me some tea and you are a gentleman, to be honest with you, I've been here for a day too and I feel exactly how you are feeling, like shit". I laughed "actually at this moment I don't feel like shit, now that I've meet someone cool like you". That brought out a smile in her, she looked down at her feet "you are cool too, thanks for just chilling out and understanding".

I chuckled "weren't you going to tell me about yourself?" She laughed "nope, let's leave deeper conversation day for later, because......I am going to relax, take a shower and hopefully get some rest tonight, so I'll see you around Andrew". As I watch her start walking away, I say "hopefully tomorrow?" She started walking backwards to face me just to send a wink in my direction.

After awhile I headed back to my room, boredom was taunting me so I decided to just lay down and watch SOA. My phone then started vibrating, the caller ID read home, deep down I couldn't pick up. I didn't have the courage to. After that I fell asleep.

Then I awoke to a loud comercial, struggling to my feet, I glance at the clock, fuck it was 1am. Knowingly I wasn't going to be able to get back to bed, I went for a little walk outside. It was a nice breezy night out, it was nice to walk and clear my head. Apparently Emily had the same idea, I saw her in the distance doing cartwheels in the grass.

I walk over and decided to join her, she spots me coming over and stops. She brushes her hair back and says "oh no please tell me you didn't see that". I chuckled and said "actually I was coming over here to join you". She laughed "I'm only out here because I couldn't sleep, what's your excuse?"

I lay in the grass "well since you stole my excuse, it looks like I don't have one". She lays next to me in the grass and says "well Andrew luckily, you don't need an excuse to be out on such a beautiful night". Gazing up at the stars I say "it is a beautiful night". I glance over and see Emily looked sad, I asked her "what's wrong?"

She answers "it's funny, I was just remembering how I used to take my mother's prescription pills, sometimes I wouldn't even know if it was day or night, all that time wasted, I could've been enjoying this beauty". I gesture her mouth with my fingers making a smile "cheer up, let's enjoy it now".

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