Time to reflect

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Jade's Pov

As I was waiting for Andrew my heart was racing and I couldn't get the butterflies out of my stomach. I had so many things in my head, curiosity was pounding through my brain of what he was going to say.

What if it's something really bad, how will I react? These are the questions we ask are selves when we are in a relationship. If we take time to reflect on ourselves that's when we truly understand the other person. No matter what happens good or bad we will be there for each other.

It's really nice to know that there is a special someone in your life that you can be there for them and they can be there for you. And then there's that one feeling when you get scared to loose that person, that's when you know you truly love someone.

I see Andrew walking towards me, my heart is beating so fast that I think it's going to jump out of my chest and start dancing. I try not to shake but as soon as he sat down next to me I just couldn't control it. He asks me "are you ok Jade, come on let's go to my house".

Maybe I was shaking from the bitter cold outside, I guess he noticed because he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. We finally get to his house as we walked inside I felt the warmth of the heater blowing in my face. Andrew then says "I'm going to make some hot chocolate do you want some", I say shyly "I would love some".

I sit down on the sofa and watch the tv while Andrew made the hot chocolate. He brings me a blanket with the hot chocolate and he sits down next to me. I couldn't help but shake, my heart was racing and my feet were freezing. He takes a deep breath and he begins telling me about what happened to him.

Andrew's Pov

So here I am making Jade some hot chocolate, I couldn't even hold the spoon with sugar without spilling it all over the place. Well I guess I have to face this sooner or later, it's best to do it now than later. I grab a blanket for Jade, I could see that she's cold.

I sit next to her and I could see that she was nervous, trust me I'm about to shit myself that's how scared I am. I think twice about telling her, I thought about it over and over and the only thing that goes through my head is her just walking out that door. But here I go.

"Jade the things that people say is true, I wasn't a good person. I was addicted to different kind of drugs two years ago, I remember I used to steal money from my mom's purse just so I could shoot heroine in my veins".

The look on her face just destroyed me inside. I couldn't look at her straight in the eyes, I just laid my head down in shame as I keep on with my past.

"I couldn't wait to get out of school just so I could score some coke and not coke a cola, my parents were broken when they found out I was destroying myself. I was like that for almost a year until one day it got so bad that I passed out in front of Stephanie's house and the next day I woke up in my bed with a note taped to my chest saying get clean if you want to see Stephanie again".

"When I saw that note it made me realize the pain I was causing other people and myself, so I finally went to rehab and a year later I was clean and sober".

I lifted my head up to see if Jade was still there listening, the look on her face changed, she looked relieved. She got closer and gave me a hug and said "I'm just glad you are sober and here to tell me this and I'm happy you told me, this is the trust we should always have with each other no matter what".

It made me feel better knowing that she was going to be here for me. So after watching tv almost all day she fell asleep in my arms. I just sat there trying not to wake her, as I sat there I thought to myself, I've really changed these past few years, for the better.

Something that really was on my mind was how I let my best friend steph push herself away from me. Maybe if I wasn't getting fucked up most of the time back then things would've been different. Well I guess things happen for a reason, maybe it's for the best.

Suddenly I felt a slight tickle in my nose and I sneezed my heart out. I scared the shit out of Jade in the process. She looked at the clock and said "oh shit my mom is going to be pissed". I asked "why what happened?"

She says while putting her shoes on "I was supposed to be home 30 minutes ago". She kissed me quickly and said "love you" then she ran out the door. That's the classic I have to get home now so my parents will let me see tomorrow.

Jade's Pov

"Mom I'm home, sorry I'm late I lost track of time". Nobody seemed to be home so I went into the kitchen to make myself some hot tea and that's when I saw something so disturbing, my mom's bra was laying there on the counter and her panties followed on the floor. Yeah I'm not stepping foot in this kitchen until they clean it.

So I try to ignore the fact that my parents were probably getting it on in some room in the house, it's scary because I don't know which room. So I just throw myself on the living room couch and rot my brain with more tv. My parents come out of my room and yes out of my room, I hear my mom say "wow honey that was amazing ohhh my goodness, you were like a jackhammer".

I threw up in my mouth a little bit and my mom sees me and says "hi honey, oh man your dad was great". I say "thanks for that information mom now I'm not going to be able to sleep". She says "you're welcome sweetie, I'm going to take me a nice hot shower are you joining me baby?"

I hear my dad yell out "I'll be there in a minute". So yeah that wasn't disturbing at all, I'm going to pretend that didn't happen.

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