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Andrew's Pov

The prickly grass pierced my back as I was laying watching the beautiful night sky with Emily. She's interesting, just the way she looks at the night sky is interesting, you can tell that curiosity strikes her fast. Her laugh is a sweet melody that glides through my ears. I caught myself glancing at her every once in awhile. Until the sprinklers turned on.

She started to laugh as she sprung up to her feet, I followed and laughed with her. We ran to her room, she says "hey I just wanted to say thanks for spending time with me, on this sleepless night". I wipe the water off of my face with my soak and wet shirt but that didn't help in any way. I say "Thank you, maybe after all of this running and cartweeling, I might be tired enough to get some sleep". She laughed and bit her lip "well goodnight Andrew".

I smiled and said "goodnight Emily, hopefully I'll see you tomorrow, maybe around breakfast time?" She started closing her door and said "that would be very nice, so make that a definitely". I chuckle and say "cool.......see you at breakfast". She smiled and said "ok nighty night", then shut the door. I'm so excited for tomorrow now.

I got to my room pretty fast since I ran, because it's dark and scary out. I hopped in the shower and then went straight to bed. The next morning I woke up early, even though I stayed up most of the night. I wanted to get ready and maybe look nice for Emily, I say maybe because I'm not going to get my hopes up. Since you

So I tried looking my best, even though my long hair was messy and it showed no sigh of cooperating. I glanced at the clock and saw it was 7:30, I finished getting dressed and trying to look decent and went to get breakfast uuuuuwuuuuuu I'm so excited. But like I said no hopes up.

The nice smell of waffles and syrup made me even more hungry. I served myself some waffles and scrambled eggs, with some nice hot coffe. I sat and waited for Emily. I took a bite of my waffles and browsed the Internet a bit. Thomas came over and reminded me "hey Andrew, there's another session today at 3, don't forget".

I smiled and nodded as a thank you, since my mouth was full. Then I see Emily walk in, butterflies took over my stomach, beating the hunger I had. Her hair was messy and she was still in her pajamas. Grey and pink wonder woman bottoms and a superman top on. I found it cute she didn't bother getting dressed up, she was comfortable being her.

She grabbed her food and came over to sit with me. She said "heeeey good morning you. You look nice today, special occasion?" I felt so embarrassed, it showed in my body language so I couldn't just brush it off. I say "actually I wanted to look nice for you, so I guess it's a special occasion".

She almost choked on her pancakes when I said that. She rapidly took a sip of orange juice and said "oh my goodness Andrew, you are so sweet. I'm sorry I showed up all bleh". I chuckled and said "you actually look pretty cute". She chuckled and said "you don't look too shabby yourself", then winked.

After we got done with breakfast, I asked Emily "are you going to the session later?" She stretched out her arms and said "that's a must". I said "cool, I guess I'll see you there". She answered "sure but you have to sit next to me this time, so I won't feel lonely". I say "that's a must". She waved bye as she went in her room "I'll text you later, I have to take a shower and get dressed up for you now, you can't out dress me".

I laugh "ok, I'm going to walk around". And that's what I did, I walked around for awhile,  then I got bored, so I decided to relax in a nice hot bath and watch YouTube videos. When I was ruba dub dubbing, I get a text.

E: hey, what are you up to.

A: just relaxing in a bath. You?

E: I'm bored, so I'm standing outside your room waiting for you to let me in.

A: I'll be right there.

I hopped out of the bathtub and dried off quickly. I ran to the door and looked through the peephole, when she said she was dressing up, she wasn't kidding. I answered the door, she looked in shock, "and I thought you were going to open the door with some clothes on". Obviously I had the towel rapped around my waist. I say "sorry, I just got excited".

She threw herself on my bed and said "well go throw some clothes on, your not getting lucky today, your lucky enough to sit next to me", then she laughed. I grabbed some clothes and started changing in the bathroom. I say "is that so, you said you didn't want to feel lonely, maybe you're the lucky one, anyways you look very nice, this is the first time I see you with makeup on".

She said "thanks, and see you are lucky, I don't get dressed up for just  anyone". I finally get dressed after struggling to put my pants on. I put gel in my hair and spray cologne on my wrist and neck. I walk out of the bathroom and ask "what do you think?" She taps her finger against her lips "hmmm I don't know, you look better than me".

I laugh and say "come on, let's go". I grabbed her by the hand and walked with her to the session, she asked "hey who gave you permission to hold my hand?" I shush her and say "you like it". She laughed and pushed me away "you wish". We got to the session and waited for it to start. Emily whispered in my ear "you gonna steal the show again?"

I smiled and said "no, I'll let you have the mic this time". She chuckled and said "I might actually say something this time". So Thomas asked the same question as yesterday "how is everyone feeling today?" Emily was the first one who had to answer. She stood up and answered "I actually feel good and bad. I feel bad because I feel the need to hide myself behind prescription pills, sometimes I can't even sleep without taking a sleeping pill".

She choked up for a second and then continued "sorry about that, but I also feel good, I made a new friend yesterday, Andrew. Just talking with him, has been a big help". My eyes watered when I heard that, I couldn't help but feel a not in my throat and the fear that she faces. Thomas went through the U.

At the end he said "I'm glad that Emily talked about having a new friend, this is what all of this is about, meeting new people and connecting with each other, share each other's stories and pains, don't be afraid to let anything out. So from now on if you are alone, find a person to talk with, like a partner, don't be afraid to make friends".

After the session was over, Emily said "come on, let's share stories partner", then she sent a wink my way.

I hope I have a good connection with Emily, just the thought of telling her some of my stories makes me nervous. What if she gets scared of some of the things I've done? I feel comfortable with her, I feel like I can tell her things that I wouldn't dare telling anyone else. I can't wait to hear what she has to say. She fascinates me.

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