The best surprise

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Andrew's Pov

Life gives us surprises sometimes, those surprises come in different ways. Some are good some are bad yet some are great, sometimes we just have to pause and take those moments in.

One surprise that I'll never forget or never want to forget is how I met Jade. It was probably one of the most awkward yet coolest moment ever.


It was about four years ago, I was on my way home from school. I took the bus because there was a nice breeze and it was cold. So there I was sitting on the bus trying to mind my own business, everybody was talking and screaming.

Not the good kind of screaming either, it was that annoying teen girl scream. So I just put my headphones on and blast music in my ears. Since the bus stopped at a different route before my house it was going to take a while. So I decide to listen to crow and a butterfly by shinedown.

I was looking out the window to see the rain starting to fall and the breeze blowing hard. Suddenly someone takes one of my headphones off, I look over and see a girl with the headphone in her ear. She had pinkish cheeks, black hair and dark black lipstick on.

She looked over at me and saw that I was looking at her like what the fuck. She says "great choice of song, you should hear second chance too, it's so beast, my name is Jade by the way". I say "nice to meet you Jade, I'm Andrew". Then she hits my leg a couple of times "oh shit no, fuck fuck". I look at her and asked "what's wrong?"

She says "you see that kid over there, he has a huge crush on me". I chuckle "ok so", she says "what do you mean so, he's a total douche, damn now he's staring, you know what just make out with me". Suddenly my body just froze and goosebumps just took over. I ask "wait what do you mean".

She says "shit he's coming over, just come here". Then she just grabbed my hand and pulled me closer, then boom we started to make out. At this point like mid way into the kiss I'm there wondering am I doing this right. This moment was literally my first kiss.

So this kiss wasn't just a little 30 second kiss, it was like a 5 minute kiss so I had to be doing something right. The bus came to a stop and it was my stop, I get off the bus and started walking towards my house. Suddenly I hear Jade say "aren't you going to walk me to my house?"

I smiled and it was a real smile like one of those excited smiles "sure of course I will". So we started walking and she said "you are a excellent kisser, you blew my fucking mind Andrew". I blushed like a teenage girl getting asked for prom. I say "that was actually my first kiss".

She gasped "you are bullshiting me right?" I answer "I'm not bullshiting you". She says "well damn you can make millions with a kissing booth and this is my stop". I say "we are practically neighbors, so whenever you want to hang out or something just let me know". She says "ok Andrew I'll see you around".

Present day

I would've never thought that she would've ended up being my girlfriend, actually my first girlfriend. That's something isn't it, she was my first kiss and now she's my first girlfriend. I guess I didn't get with her sooner because my head was shoved so far up Stephanie's ass that I really didn't see her that way.

All of those years trying to get a girl who doesn't even like you, I'm sure a lot of people can relate. But what can I say sometimes we want something so bad and we think that it's love but in reality we are just blind by are selfishness.

That's why I always say love is a two way street, sure you can love a person with every bone in your body but if the other person doesn't feel the same then don't waste your time because if you have given so much of your love so far and that person hasn't noticed you yet, that means there is something better out there for you.

So don't feel bad everything happens for a reason. Everyone has to walk down a shity road just to find what we really need.

Suddenly my doorbell rang, I go to answer it and it was Jade "can I come in before I turn into a popsicle". I say "of course baby, do you want some tea or hot chocolate". She wraps a blanket around herself and says "some tea please". I pour some hot tea for her "so how was your day baby?"

She laughs and answers "you aren't going to believe what happened". I asked "what happened?" She rested her head on her arms and laughed "my parents were totally doing it when I got home last night".

I laughed so hard that hot tea went up my nose and guess what, it hurt like really fucking bad. I said "damn that must've been disturbing, you probably couldn't sleep". She wipes my face with some paper towels "trust me I tried my best to get some sleep but they just kept going on and on and on, I think my parents were porn stars or something".

I say "we should look that up, maybe they are". Jade hits my shoulder playfully and says "shut up". After that we just cuddled under the blanket and watched sons of anarchy together.

The best thing about this surprise is that you can pause together and enjoy little moments like this with each other. When you feel the other persons heart beat so fast but everything is calm and you are just laying there together, that's when you know they still get excited to be with you.

Little moments like this can get you through the night without a worry in your mind because sometimes just being with that special someone makes the worries go away.

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